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Bob Stephan's BATch Enhancer
Version 2.5
November 1991
Copyright 1991, Bob Stephan
All Rights Reserved
For information or orders contact:
COMPUSERVE: 72357,2276
Bob Stephan on CRICKET BBS: 1-408-373-3773
Monterey Bay Disk Data Systems
Attn: Bob Stephan
1021 San Carlos Road
Pebble Beach, CA 93953
GET.DOC GET Version 2.5 Copyright 1991 Bob Stephan
GET.EXE is a general purpose DOS BATch file enhancer. It makes informa-
tion available to the BATch file through the BATch IF subcommand. The
information can come from user input or from the operating system, and
it is made available to the BATch file through the DOS ErrorLevel (Exit
Code) and variables in the DOS master Environment. GET also has capabil-
ities to set some system parameters and perform a few other specific ac-
tions, over 30 functions in all. Not only is GET wonderful for automat-
ing your personal system, it is excellent for client support and soft-
ware installation programs. If you have been using an older version of
GET, you will also be interested in the information in GET25NEW.DOC to
help focus on the new and improved features.
GET is copyrighted software and is not in the public domain! GET is not
totally free for all users, and there are conditions imposed on its dis-
tribution. Please read this information and the section on Licensing
and Distribution to be sure you are not using GET illegally. The only
version of GET that is free is the one that displays the help screen
when the name GET is entered at the DOS prompt by itself. If you have
one that says it is licensed and you have not registered, you have a
pirated copy that is protected by law.
VENDORS, CORPORATE, and COMMERCIAL users see licensing terms under Licens-
ing and Distribution.
INDIVIDUALS, SHAREWARE AUTHORS, and SYSOPS. For individuals this version
of GET is free for personal use, and for the use of shareware authors in
distributing their products subject to the conditions specified in the
Licensing and Distribution terms below. GET.EXE may be freely copied
and distributed provided that all files in the GET package, including
but not limited to GET.DOC and GET25NEW.DOC, are included on the disk or
in the compressed file with GET.EXE. Contributions to support this de-
velopment project will be gratefully accepted. If you use GET and can't
send money, at least send thanks. Programmers do not live by bread
alone. Besides, I'll put you on the list to help me distribute new
releases as they become available.
If you send $15 or more (overseas $20 U.S. funds) you will receive the
following benefits: (California residents please add 7.75% sales tax.)
The latest version of GET with any new features plus one free upgrade.
A smaller runtime version to distribute with your BATch files.
A single user license with no royalties for use of the runtime version.
A >60 page user manual giving examples and detailed explanations.
Free support by BBS, mail, phone, CompuServe, or Genie (see below).
Notification of new releases and upgrades after the first one.
If you have a modem, VISA and MASTERCARD registrations can be entered via
NITELOG BBS, 408-655-1096. After completing the brief sign-on registra-
tion, enter S for Script, then 3 for Script 3.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact me at:
MOBY DISK: 1021 San Carlos Road, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Phone: (408) 646-1899/1373. GENIE:MOBYDISK. COMPUSERVE:72357,2276
BBS: The Cricket 408-373-3773 /s/ Bob Stephan November 29, 1991
GET.DOC Table of Contents Page ii
Table of Contents
LICENSING SUMMARY..........................................................i
Vendors, Corporate, and Commercial Users.................................i
Individuals, Shareware Authors, and SYSOPS...............................i
VISA and MASTERCARD........................................................i
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS........................................................1
ABOUT THE AUTHOR...........................................................2
LIMITED WARRANTY (and other legalities)....................................2
HELP SCREEN................................................................3
ENTERING COMMANDS..........................................................5
SEE HOW IT RUNS............................................................5
SYNTAX EXPLANATIONS........................................................6
[] brackets............................................................6
"" double quotes.......................................................6
num, div...............................................................6
/A...........................Prompt Attribute...........................10
/B.........................Flush Keyboard Buffer........................11
/C..........................Suppress Ctrl-Break.........................11
/E.............................Enhanced Keys............................11
/M..........................Master Environment..........................11
/TR..............................Trim Right.............................11
/TL..............................Trim Left..............................11
/V.............................Variable Name............................12
/W............................Wait or Number............................12
/X....................Extended Keys or eXtra function...................12
/~..........................GET S Escape Action.........................13
USING GET COMMANDS........................................................14
STRING HANDLING AND SCREEN I/O............................................14
GET C...........................GET Character...........................18
GET N.........................GET yes/no aNswer.........................21
GET T............................Moving Text............................23
GET S.............................GET String............................25
GET I..........................Check Key Buffer.........................28
GET Z..........................Put String (Zap).........................30
GET ZE..........................Standard Input..........................32
GET R.............................'Rithmetic............................34
GET B........................Clear (Blank) Screen.......................36
GET V.........................Get/set video mode........................37
GET VE.......................Get/set video border.......................38
GET H...........................Date and Time...........................39
GET U..........................Keyboard BUffer..........................42
Page iii Table of Contents GET.DOC
GET UE............................Shift Locks...........................44
GET DISK and FILE Information.............................................45
GET K........................Get disk free space........................45
GET Q.....................Get Disk Capacity (Quota).....................47
GET L..........................Get volume label.........................49
GET LE........................Match volume label........................51
GET F...........................Get file size...........................52
GET Y.........................Current Directory.........................56
GET YE...........................Logged Drive...........................56
GET MEMORY and SYSTEM Information.........................................58
GET BR........................Get/Set Break Flag........................58
GET P.......................Check for Printer(PRN)......................59
GET PE......................Initialize Printer(PRN).....................59
GET E........................Get Environment Left.......................60
GET M..........................Get Memory Free..........................61
GET D..........................Get DOS Version..........................62
GET 7.........................Check Coprocessor.........................63
GET 7E..........................Check CPU Type..........................63
GET 4.........................Check 4DOS Status.........................64
GET 4E.......................Check Windows Status.......................64
GET A.........................Check for ANSI.SYS........................65
GET AE.....................Check for ROM BIOS Model.....................65
GET W...........................Warm/Cold Boot..........................66
Environment and Shells....................................................67
PROGRAM INFORMATION.......................................................68
LICENSING AND DISTRIBUTION................................................68
Corporate Users.........................................................68
SYSOPs, User Groups, and Shareware authors..............................69
Registered Users........................................................69
Now for the commercial....................................................69
SPECIAL OFFER.............................................................70
Appendix A.......................The DOS Environment.....................A-1
Appendix B.......................ASCII and Scan Codes....................B-1
BATch programming can make your computing life easier. BATch programming
with GET can make your BATch programming much easier and more produc-
tive. Most versions of DOS do not support a wide variety of useful fea-
tures in the BATch programming commands that are available. GET supple-
ments these commands, and gives BATch the capabilities it needs to real-
ly do a proper job as a macro language.
GET provides additional commands in four general areas:
String Handling and Screen I/O Commands
Disk and File Commands
Memory and System Commands
The commands are fully described herein, along with some general informa-
tion on BATch programming and the use of ErrorLevel and the DOS Environ-
ment. However, this is not a BATch programming tutorial or primer.
Many useful books and publications can give you startup help if you need
it. Among those that I am familiar with are "MS-DOS Batch File Program-
ming" by Ronny Richardson, Windcrest, 2nd Ed. 1990, and "DOS Power
Tools" mentioned below.
GET is compatible with all computers running under DR, MS or PC-DOS Ver-
sions 2.0 and later, although 3.1 or later is preferred. It requires
only about 11K of memory and is stored on disk in a smaller compressed
format. It is not memory resident (TSR) and will not reduce the amount
of memory available to other programs. It supports all types of
monitors and display adapters whether monochrome or color.
To support the many features of GET it is preferable if you are running
DOS 3.1 or later. A few of the features may not work on earlier ver-
sions, or with some of the early XT and AT ROM BIOS's. Where these
limitations are known, they are mentioned in this document.
My thanks to members of MBUG-PC, The Monterey Bay Users' Group - Per-
sonal Computer, for their indulgence during my development of this sys-
tem. Many members have used preliminary versions and offered their com-
ments and suggestions. I am particularly grateful to the beta testers
who held my feet to the fire to ensure that this would be a reliable and
useful product. Among those in MBUG-PC who have been particularly help-
ful are (in alphabetical order) Fred Brownell, Fred Huddle, Lee Keely,
Jim Robeson, and Luther Schliesser. Others who have been very helpful
are Kevin Paddock and Steve Ferg. I am also grateful to Bantam Computer
Books for including GET in the Revised Second Edition of "DOS Power
Tools," and Ronny Richardson for including it in his book mentioned
Bob Stephan has been using and programming computers for over 25 years,
mostly for other companies and for his own use and enjoyment. Shareware
is his first independent commercial venture (see the commercial at the
end of this document). He has been a mainstay in his local computer
users group for over 8 years and is a past president as well as an au-
thor of informative articles for the newsletter, leader of special in-
terest groups, and provider of help to members on a variety of topics.
LIMITED WARRANTY (and other legalities)
Bob Stephan warrants the physical diskette and physical documentation pro-
vided with the registered version to be free of defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of sixty days from the purchase date. The
entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this Limited
Warranty shall be limited to replacement of the defective diskette or
documentation and shall not include or extend to any claim for or right
to recover any other damages, including but not limited to loss of prof-
it, data, or use of the software, or special, incidental, or consequen-
tial damages or other similar claims. In no event will any liability
for damages ever exceed the registration fee actually paid for the li-
cense to use the software, regardless of any form of the claim. Bob
Stephan specifically disclaims all other warranties, express or implied,
including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose.
Be that as it may, I claim that this software will perform substantially
as detailed in this documentation when used on a machine with compatible
software (DOS) and compatible firmware (ROM BIOS). If it does not work
as documented when used in conformance with this documentation, I will
either fix it if it is broken or refund your registration fee. If you
are not satisfied, return the original registered disk and documentation
within 30 days for a full refund of the registration fee paid.
DR DOS, MS DOS, and 4DOS are trademarks of their respective companies.
If you enter GET at the DOS prompt by itself, or with any invalid argument
such as a question mark, it will display the following summary of all
GET commands:
║ GET Version 2.5 - BATch File Enhancer - Copyright 1991 Bob Stephan ║
║ Syntax: GET command argument(s) /switches More Instructions: GET.DOC ║
║Purpose Command Argument(s) Environment ErrorLevel Extended ║
║--------- ------- ----------- --(GET=)--- --(Exit)-- --[E]--- ║
║ --------- String Handling and Screen I/O Commands -------- ║
║Get character(InKey)C[E] ["prompt"][chars] Character ASCII code No Echo ║
║Get yes/no aNswer N[E] ["prompt"][seconds] Character ASCII code No Echo ║
║Get string S[E] ["prompt"][pattern] String Length No Echo ║
║Put string (Zap) Z[E] ["string/prompt"] String Length StdInput ║
║Moving Text(GetaKey)T[E] "filespec" [chars] Character ASCII code No Echo ║
║Key check (IsKey) I[E] Char.Waitng Char.Waitng Get Char ║
║Date and Time H[E] 1=DoW 2=DoM 4=Mon 8=Yr 16=Hr 32=Min 64=Sec Sum/Cat ║
║Keyboard BUffer U[E] ["chars"][num][/Wnum] -- Length Caps/Num ║
║'Rithmetic (add) R[E] [num] [/Wnum] Sum/Diff Sum/Diff Subtract ║
║Clear (Blank) Screen B[E] [New attribute] Old attribute HexAttr ║
║Video mode/VGA border V[E] [New mode/color] Old mode/color VGA Border║
║ --------- Disk and File Commands -------- ║
║Get file size (DIR=0) F[E] filespec[/WdivXA]Bytes/Hex Kilobytes Kb/10 ║
║Get disk free space K[E] [drive] [/Wdiv] Kilobytes Kb/10 Kb/100 ║
║Get disk capacity Q[E] [drive] [/Wdiv] Kilobytes Kb/10 Kb/100 ║
║Get volume label L[E] ["label"][drive] Label 1=yes,0=no Match ║
║Get current directory Y[E] [drive for Y] Directory Level/Drive Drive:A=0║
║ --------- Memory and System Commands -------- ║
║Get Environment left E[E] Bytes left Bytes left Bytes/10 ║
║Get memory free M[E] Kilobytes Kilobytes Kb/10 ║
║Get/Set Break Flag BR [New flag 1=on, 0=off] Old flag None ║
║Check for printer(PRN) P[E] 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no Initialize║
║Check 4DOS/Windows 4[E] 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no Windows ║
║Get DOS version D[E] Major Vers. MajorMinor MinorEnv ║
║Check coprocessor/CPU 7[E] 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no CPU Type ║
║Check ANSI.SYS/Model A[E] 1=yes,0=no 1=yes,0=no PC Model ║
║Warm/Cold Boot W[E] If argument given then 1=warm, 0=cold ColdBoot ║
║ Surrogates: }=Carriage Return, ~=Escape, Alt-255=Space/Blank. ║
║ SWITCHES: /C Ctrl-Break, /U /L case, /M Master Env, /E Enhanced keys, /Vvar= ║
║ /X eXtended keys/Hex, /A[nnn] prompt Attribute, /W[nnnn] Wait seconds/div ║
║ /B flush key Buffer, /TL /TR Trim, /~ Escape action for GET S, /V- No var ║
║ See GET.DOC for additional features and BATch programming instructions. ║
Displaying the help screen by simply entering GET will now pause at the
end of the second screen with the message
Press PgUp to repeat the first screen - Esc, CR, or space bar to exit
Pressing PgUp at this point will start the help screen display over again.
Pressing CR (Enter or Return on the keyboard) will exit and clear the
screen giving you a clear screen to work on. Pressing Esc or the space
bar will exit and leave the second help screen on the display for
reference. The pause will time out in 10 seconds and return to the DOS
prompt automatically.
You can make a file copy of this Help Screen by using DOS redirection.
Enter the command GET >GET.HLP. When you see the --More-- prompt, press
Enter again. This Help Screen will be in the file GET.HLP. When you
are BATch programming, put the help file in one of your editor's windows
where you can use it for quick reference.
GET is used in BATch files. When you want to use GET in a BATch file use
the following simple procedure:
1. Enter the word GET as the first entry on a line, followed by a space.
2. Tell GET what it is that you want it to get for you. Do this by selec-
ting and entering a one or two letter command from the Command column on
the HELP SCREEN. All of the commands are described in this document.
3. If there are arguments, enter a space and then the arguments that you
need or want to run the command.
4. If you want to use any of the /switches, enter them on the same line
after all argument(s).
5. On the next line of the BATch file, check the return from GET in the
ErrorLevel and/or the GET= variable in the Environment. The Environment
variable can be accessed as %GET% or by the name you give it with the /V
switch described below.
For example, to get a yes or no answer you might enter the lines:
GET N "Answer yes or no: "
IF "%GET%"=="N" goto NO
IF "%GET%"=="Y" goto YES
Rem The next line checks to see if the user pressed Escape
if ErrorLevel 126 goto END
ECHO You must enter Y or N, or press Esc to exit.
goto ASK
Rem [Do what you need to do if the user enters N]
goto END
Rem [Do what you need to do if the user enters Y]
:END The next line clears GET out of the Environment.
set GET=
The best way to find out how GET works is to just try it. You can try it
from the command line by using the special built-in reporting feature.
To see what GET is putting in the ErrorLevel and the Environment, issue
the DOS command SET GET?=ON. This will tell GET to report the results
to the screen in addition to placing them in the ErrorLevel and the En-
vironment. Then run the GET commands that you want to check out, or run
your BATch file to see what GET reports.
You can also try GET from the command line if you use SET (by itself) to
check what has been placed in the Environment, but to find out what is
in the ErrorLevel, you must use a BATch file unless you SET GET?=ON. If
you are not familiar with the DOS Environment, see the discussion of En-
vironment and Shells elsewhere in this documentation.
Command: Commands are one or two character combinations as shown on the
HELP SCREEN. Single character commands can [optionally] be immediately
followed by E with no spaces between. The E indicates the Extended
function in the last column on the HELP SCREEN.
Argument(s): Arguments are zero, one, or two character strings as ap-
propriate to the command. A "string" is a sequence of consecutive ASCII
characters delimited by double quotes or, if not in quotes, by the space
character. In some cases the first, or only, argument must be enclosed
in double quotes as shown on the HELP SCREEN. Arguments that are not
shown in quotes on the HELP SCREEN must not be put in quotes. Each
character string can consist of zero or more ASCII characters. The
blank or space character (ASCII 32) delimits the character strings that
are not in quotes. The space character can only be a member of one of
the strings that is enclosed in double quotes. (In this document, both
"blank" and "space" are used as synonyms for the ASCII-32 character.)
[] brackets indicate optional portions of commands and/or arguments. The
command will work regardless whether these portions are included or
not. The brackets themselves must not be included!
" Where double quotes ("'s) are shown, they must be included if the
corresponding prompt, string, or filespec argument is used.
filespecs consist of a filename and extension as appropriate to the DOS
file naming conventions. They may include drive and path but no wild-
cards in the general form of d:\path\filename.ext.
chars refers to an ASCII character string which can include any of the
ASCII characters from decimal 33 to decimal 255 inclusive, but some of
these characters have special significance. Blanks can only be used
in strings that must be enclosed in double quotes (but see the use of
surrogates below.) IMPORTANT: All characters in the chars argument
must be in a contiguous string with no blanks, including any surrogate
characters! If you want to specify the space character use the Alt-
255 surrogate.
# is now obsolete. Although it is still supported in Version 2.5 for
compatibility, it must be replaced with the /W syntax because # will
not be supported in future versions. The new and preferred method is
to use the /W switch. Note that because of this special significance,
# cannot be used as an input character in the chars string.
num and div must be entered as ASCII decimal digit characters represent-
ing a number containing no more than 4 digits. The new preferred
syntax is to use the /W switch to enter numbers where the old syntax
was #num or #div.
Environment: this column indicates what will be found in the Environment
string GET= or the one you name with the /V switch. This string can be
accessed from a BATch file with the %GET% notation. It is best to en-
close %GET% in double quote characters in case it is empty. For exam-
IF "%GET%"==""
will check for an empty GET variable. The variable name can be changed
with the /V switch described below. If you need more information on
testing Environment variables, see the section on Environment and Shells
later in this document.
ErrorLevel: this column indicates what value will be placed in the DOS Er-
rorLevel where it can be accessed in BATch files with the "IF Error-
Level" subcommand. Always check for ErrorLevel from highest to lowest
values of interest. ErrorLevel is also referred to as Exit Code or
Return Code. If you need more information on testing the ErrorLevel,
see the next section on ERRORLEVEL.
Extended: this column indicates the action taken if the optional E for
[E]xtended command is included. Do not include the brackets! In most
cases E applies to either the result in the Environment or the result in
the ErrorLevel, but not to both. In a few cases the E invokes a sepa-
rate but loosely related function.
Surrogates: Some characters are awkward or impossible to handle directly
in BATch files. For example, BATch files generally use the carriage
return <CR> and space characters as delimiters instead of as ASCII
characters that can be manipulated. Some special symbols have been
designated to facilitate the handling of these characters. These sub-
stitutions may have different meanings depending on the command being
used, so read the description of the command. The special characters
Carriage Return: } is used for CR
Escape: ~ is used for Esc
Blank: Alt-255 is used for Space (Blank).
The Alt-255 character can be entered in most text editors by holding
down the Alt key while spelling out the digits for the character on the
number pad of the keyboard, but check your text editor for this capabil-
It is often convenient to ask the user to press the space bar. The
blank (or space) surrogate, Alt-255, makes it possible to check for a
space. In most versions of DOS the subcommand IF "%GET%"==" ", or any
comparison of strings which include spaces, does not work properly since
DOS uses the space as a delimiter. By using Alt-255 as a surrogate for
the space character, WYSIWYG is maintained, and the character can be
manipulated like any alphabetic character. 4DOS, however, treats
strings in double quotes properly.
Switches are special modifiers to GET commands. A switch is indicated by
the forward slash character, "/", immediately followed by the ap-
propriate letter or character. See SWITCHES, page 10.
Page 8 The Error Level GET.DOC
If you are not familiar with testing for the ErrorLevel in BATch files, read
this section. If the ErrorLevel holds no mysteries for you, then skip to
the next section. To test a program to determine what ErrorLevel(s) it
returns, use RUN.EXE included in GET25.ZIP. See RUN.DOC for details.
Most modern programs that run under DOS issue a numeric status code which is
passed back to DOS when they terminate. This is variously referred to as
a "return code", "exit code", "status code", "error code", "Error Level",
etc.. An "ErrorLevel" is simply that code, whatever it may be called.
Generally, an errorlevel of 0 means a normal, successful completion, and a
non-zero return code indicates a problem of some sort. GET uses the Er-
rorLevel for different purposes to pass information back to the BATch file
in such a way that the BATch file can make use of it with the IF ERROR-
LEVEL subcommand.
IF ERRORLEVEL is one of the cases of the IF statement. It tests the return
code from the program for some condition that you specify. The various IF
tests always result in a true/false result - either the test is true or it
is false. If it is true, the statement following the IF test on the same
line is executed, otherwise it is ignored. The IF ERRORLEVEL test is al-
ways a "greater than or equal" test, or in BASIC parlance >=. So when you
enter IF ERRORLEVEL 5 DO SOMETHING, it means "if the return code from the
previous program is greater than or equal to 5" the BATch file is to do
something, otherwise it will ignore the rest of the line starting with IF.
To test specifically for an ErrorLevel of 0 you use the NOT parameter for
the IF subcommand. So when you enter IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 DO SOMETHING
ELSE, it means "if the return code is not greater than or equal to 1 do
something else." Since return codes can only be integers 0 through 255, a
return code that is not >= 1, can only be 0, hence the test for Error-
ERRORLEVEL tests can be "and"ed to test for a specific return code. If you
"if the return code is greater than or equal to 5 but not greater than or
equal to 6 do still another thing." The only integer that satisfies those
conditions is 5 itself.
Not all programs return error levels. DOS itself is the worst offender. No
internal commands that I know of return codes, and not all the external
commands are so thoughtful. Later versions of DOS are getting better
about returning and documenting such codes, but unless it is documented
that a code is returned and what it signifies, there is no way to assume
that one is available. To find out what a return code means you must read
the documentation for the program or command.
If there is a possibility of several return codes, the IF ERRORLEVEL tests
must be used in descending order because of the >= meaning. For example,
the MS DOS 5.0 FORMAT command is documented to have the following "exit
0 The format operation was successful.
3 The user pressed Ctrl-C to stop the process.
4 A fatal error occurred (any error other than 0, 3, or 5).
GET.DOC The Error Level Page 9
5 The user pressed N in response to the prompt "Proceed with
Format(Y/N)?" to stop the process
You can set up a BATch file to automate the FORMATTING process, then check
to see if it was successful. A portion of your BATch file might look like
FORMAT %1 %2 %3
if ErrorLevel 5 goto DONE
if ErrorLevel 4 goto ERROR
if ErrorLevel 3 goto ASK
Rem If it wasn't one of the above, it has to be 0,
Rem so go back to see if you want to do it again.
goto AGAIN
:ERROR Come here if a fatal error occurred - code=4.
ECHO The FORMAT command failed!
:ASK Come here if the ErrorLevel was 3 - user pressed Ctrl-C
GET N "Do you want to try another disk?"
if "%GET%"=="Y" goto AGAIN
Echo The FORMAT operation has been completed!
Echo Have a good day.
Switches are special modifiers to GET commands. A switch is indicated by
the forward slash character, "/", immediately followed by the appropriate
letter or character. More than one switch may be used with a command, and
all switches must come after any other arguments. Switches that are not
applicable to a command will be ignored and not cause any harm if in-
advertently included. Some switches replace the "surrogate" character
syntax that was used in GET Version 2.2 and earlier. The old syntax has
been retained in Version 2.5 for compatibility, but will be eliminated in
future versions. Where the switches duplicate other features, the switch
is the preferred method. The switches that have been implemented in
Release 2.5 are /A, /B, /C, /E, /L, /M, /TR, /TL, /U, /V, and /W.
/A lets you control the screen attribute of prompts. The prompts can be
displayed in reverse video, or any of 254 color combinations that are
available on color monitors. /A by itself causes the prompt to be dis-
played in reverse video. /Annn, where nnn is a number between 1 and 254
specifies the attribute to be used for the prompt. The following table
explains how to construct the attribute. It is not necessary to have
ANSI.SYS or any of its clones loaded to display prompts with attributes.
The color codes are:
0 Black 2 Green 4 Red 6 Brown
1 Blue 3 Cyan 5 Magenta 7 White
For the foreground color for the characters:
1. Select the color number from the above table.
2. For high intensity (bright or light), add 8.
3. For Blinking, add 128.
Blinking, high-intensity magenta is 5+8+128=141
For the background color:
1. Select the color number from the above table.
2. Multiply it by 16.
3. Add it to the foreground color.
Blinking, high-intensity magenta on white is 141+(7*16)=253
GET C "This is in blinking, high-intensity, magenta on white " /A253
With some command processors (4DOS is one), there can be a minor problem
if the user presses break when the prompt is displayed on the bottom line
of the screen if using GET ZE for input. If you are using GET ZE for in-
put, you probably don't want to use /A to specify an attribute for the
prompt. This will prevent the prompt color from being taken by DOS as the
new color to use for scrolling the screen if the user presses a break key.
As mentioned above, you can use /A to echo text to the screen in color.
Any of the commands that display a prompt can do it if you specify 0 sec-
onds to wait. GET I does not wait anyway, and it will display a prompt if
there is one specified, so it is a good choice to use for the Echo command
because you do not have to remember to specify /W0.
In Version 2.5, if the /A switch is not included, the prompt will be dis-
played in such a manner that ANSI sequences can be used for screen con-
trol. This restores compatibility with Version 2.2 for prompting and
using ANSI screen control sequences. The "prompt" will always be sent to
the screen even if standard output is redirected with DOS redirection (>).
Without /A the prompt can be as long as will fit on the DOS command or
BATch line which is limited to 128 characters total. With /A, the prompt
is limited to 79 characters.
/B flush keyboard Buffer. Useful to flush any type-ahead keystrokes when
asking for user input.
/C tells GET to handle Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break instead of letting DOS do it.
It has the same effect as the old Alt-253 which has been retained for com-
patibility. The switch is preferred. See the GET USER INPUT section for
additional details.
Example: GET SE "Enter your password: " /C.
Caution: The old Alt-253 surrogate will be eliminated in future versions.
/E specifies that keystrokes will be read from the Enhanced keyboard. This
has the same effect as the old surrogate for the enhanced keyboard, Alt-
254, which has been retained for compatibility in this version. /E only
affects the C, N, I, and T commands. Also, note the discussion of the
handling of the extended and enhanced keys by using scan codes and upper
ASCII characters.
Example: GET C "Enter F11 to continue: " Θ /E
Caution: The old enhanced surrogate will be eliminated in future versions.
NOTE: Extended keys are those with no ASCII representation, such as the
function and cursor keys. Enhanced keys are keys on the enhanced keyboard
which do not appear on older keyboard layouts, such as F11 and F12.
/L specifies that the string that is written to the Environment is to be
forced into lower case. Any ASCII-255 characters will be "lowercased" to
the ASCII space character. Strings with spaces in them will not test
properly with the BATch IF subcommand. Also: see /U for Uppercase.
Example: GET SE "Enter your password: " /C /L
/M tells GET to try to put the string in the master environment instead of
the child environment. If the BATch file is being run from a secondary
shell, GET will bypass the environment of the secondary command processor
and look for the master environment. This works exactly like the old GET
Z, and it makes GET Z more flexible. Without /M, GET Z will put the
quoted string into the first command processor environment that it finds.
If you want GET Z to work like it did in Version 2.2, you must add the /M
switch. The advantage is that /M can be used with any GET command. If
you need more information about the different environment areas see the
Example: GET Z "Put this string in the master environment" /M
Caution: Finding the master environment is not a documented feature of DOS,
and there is no guarantee that /M will work under all conditions. For ex-
ample, don't expect it to work if the command processor is running in a
DESQview window or under Windows, and it may cause the system to hang. If
you need this capability, be sure to test it under all possible conditions
before relying on it.
/TR and /TL trim blanks from the string that is written to the environment.
Trim works with S, SE, Z, ZE, and HE. /TR or /T+ will trim blanks from
the right or trailing end of the string, while /TL or /T- will trim blanks
from the left or leading end of the string. Both switches may be used in
the same command if desired.
/U specifies that the string that is written to the Environment is to be
forced into upper case (Caps). Any spaces will be "uppercased" to ASCII
255 so that the string can be tested with the BATch IF subcommand. /U is
not necessary with the C, N, I, or T commands. Also: see /L for Lower-
Example: GET SE "Enter your password: " /C /U
/Vvar= lets you specify a name for the Environment variable to be used in
place of "GET". This can eliminate some BATch file lines that would be
used to save the GET variable under another name with the SET command.
The name must be contiguous with the V in /V and should be terminated with
the = sign. Although the '=' sign is optional, the name must be
terminated in some way, and the '=' sign is the recommended method. How-
ever, any one of the following characters will serve as the terminating
delimiter for the name: =, space, /, or carriage return (indicating the
end of the command line or BATch file line). Lowercase letters will be
coerced to uppercase before placing the name in the Environment. The fol-
lowing example will establish an Environment variable that will show up as
DEMO= instead of the default name GET=.
Example (old method): GET C "Enter the drive letter: " ABCD
set DEMO=%GET%
Example (new method): GET C "Enter the drive letter: " ABCD /vdemo=
CAUTION: If you modify BATch files to take advantage of the convenience of
the /V switch, be sure you adjust all references to the %GET% variable in
subsequent statements to reflect the new variable name.
/V- completely suppresses creating the Environment variable under any name.
No changes to the Environment will be made. This is useful when the
result is of no interest, or when all the information required can be ob-
tained from the ErrorLevel. This may be useful at times when there is in-
sufficient free space in the Environment, or when there is reluctance to
create an Environment variable which might overwrite one that is already
NOTE: A side effect of /V- is that SET GET?=ON will have no effect. Since
the search of the Environment is being completely bypassed, GET cannot
check for the GET? variable.
/W has different meanings for different commands. In general it is always
used to input a number for use by the command. When getting user keyboard
input, /W is used to specify a number of seconds to wait. In other com-
mands the number has other meanings and uses. See the description of the
command for further details.
NOTE: /Wnnnn is a general replacement for the old #nnnn notation. /W can
and should be used wherever the # notation was previously valid. The #
notation will disappear in future versions.
/X provides eXtra functionality for a command. It has different meanings
depending on the command being used. When getting keyboard input, /X
specifies that extended keys will be accepted. /X also is used to specify
hexadecimal output for the GET F (file size) command, and for other pur-
poses with other commands. See GET F or the specific command for further
/~ is a temporary switch that is used with GET S only. Previously, if the
user pressed Esc when you asked for a string, GET S would return 0 as if
the user had not entered anything (i.e., just pressed Return). A more
useful feature that has been suggested is for GET S to return the Environ-
ment and ErrorLevel codes for the Escape surrogate. That way the program-
mer can determine whether the user entered nothing or Escaped. The /~
switch, when used with GET S, will turn on this new feature.
Page 14 Get User Input GET.DOC
The description of GET commands is subdivided into the following sections of
this manual.
String Handling and Screen I/O
DISK and FILE Information
MEMORY and SYSTEM Information
The commands C, N, S, Z, T, I, H, U, R, B, and V pertain to obtaining key-
board input from the user, moving and modifying text strings, and getting
and setting screen attributes. These commands take 0, 1, or 2 arguments
as shown on the HELP SCREEN, and can make use of many of the switches.
"prompt" refers to an arbitrary character string that will be displayed
on the screen to coach the user as to what type of input is expected. If
a prompt is used, it must be enclosed in double quotes. Prompts can be
displayed in reverse video or in color with the /A switch.
NOTE: The "prompt" can be used to issue ANSI.SYS screen control escape se-
quences. It is more convenient to use GET to do this, than to make
changes to the DOS PROMPT and have to reset PROMPT, especially if the
BATch file is going to be run on various computer systems that may use
different prompts. Do not use /A when you want ANSI.SYS or one of its
clones to see the prompt. If any form of /A is specified, GET uses a
different method of displaying the prompt which bypasses ANSI.SYS. Note
also, that when /A is used, the maximum length of the prompt is 79
characters. Longer prompts will be truncated to 79 characters. Without
/A the prompt can be longer, limited only by the maximum length of a
BATch file line which in most versions of DOS is 128 characters.
pattern is a special case of chars in which certain characters have spe-
cial meanings. See the S command for detailed information.
chars -- also see char information above -- are ASCII character strings
which cannot include the space character, but may include surrogates. If
any chars are given, user input will be limited to the characters in the
character string including those indicated by the surrogates. If no
chars are given, any key stroke will be accepted. To indicate that a
carriage return, Esc, or space is acceptable, include the surrogate
character listed above. CR and Esc will return 125 and 126 in the Er-
rorLevel respectively, and the surrogate character in the Environment.
Space will return 255 and Alt-255 if the characters are converted to up-
percase. Uppercase is automatic with C, N, I, and T, or when the /U
switch is used. It can be defeated with the /L switch. Think of ASCII
255 as an upper-case Space for purposes of GET input.
/E specifies that Enhanced keyboard keys will be accepted. If you use /E,
the BIOS function for the enhanced keyboard will be used. This permits
the recognition of F11 and F12 as well as other enhanced and extended
keyboard keys. /E should not be used unless you are sure that all users
of your BATch file will be using enhanced keyboards because it absolute-
ly does not work on machines with older BIOS's that do not recognize the
enhanced keyboard interrupt.
GET.DOC Get User Input Page 15
/X specifies that extended keys will be accepted. This has the same effect
as the old surrogate for extended keys, "{", which has been retained
(but see below) for compatibility. /X is used in the same manner as /E,
but will not recognize F11, F12 or other enhanced keys.
Example: GET C "Enter F1 to continue: " ƒ /X
If extended or enhanced keyboard characters are specified with /X or /E
(you don't need both) the scan code plus 100 will be in the ErrorLevel
and the corresponding upper ASCII character in the Environment. A table
of keyboard scan codes is included in the file SCANCODE.DOC.
The extended and enhanced scan codes are mapped to the upper ASCII table
by adding 100 to the scan code. For example, the scan code for F1 is
59. If extended keys are allowed, the upper ASCII character 159, "ƒ",
will limit extended keystrokes to just the F1 key. Scan codes of 28
through 150 are recognized as the upper ASCII surrogates 128 through
250. A table of scan and ASCII codes is included in the file SCAN-
CODE.DOC with the registered version. One method of entering the upper
ASCII characters is by using the Alt-NumPad feature of DOS.
There are some caveats that go along with this extended key scheme.
1. If you want extended and/or enhanced keys to be recognized, you must
include either the old surrogate or the new switch for those keys.
The switch is the preferred method as the surrogate will be discon-
tinued in a future version. The upper ASCII characters will not be
recognized as surrogates for the extended keys unless the switch or
the surrogate is included.
2. If you use the old surrogate, it must come after all individual key
specifications (if any) including the surrogates for CR and Esc.
3. If you specify any individual keys at all, then you must specify all
keys that you want to allow. The following will not do what appears
to be intended:
GET C "Press x or any function key: " x /X
In this example, only the X key will be accepted even though the /X
switch is included. A better example is:
GET C "Press x or F1: " xƒ /X
or equivalently but not preferred:
GET C "Press x or F1: " xƒ{
4. Also note that the mapping of extended keys for GET U is not the
same as for GET C.
/C Break: The /C switch will suppress DOS Control-C and Ctrl-Break hand-
ling. It applies only to the S, C, and N commands. Ctrl-Break handling
works a bit differently according to whether you have specified a wait-
ing time or not. If no timeout has been specified, Ctrl-Break will just
cause a beep. If a timeout has been specified, and the first keystroke
is Ctrl-Break, then GET will simulate a timeout with an ErrorLevel of 0,
the same ErrorLevel you would check for to see if there was a timeout.
If any character is entered, the timeout is cancelled, and Ctrl-Break is
handled as if there is no timeout. For single character input, Ctrl-C
will return the value and character 3 <''> if all characters are al-
lowed (no chars string), or a beep if specific chars are specified.
This provides versatility in break handling, but some experimentation
would be a good idea to become familiar with the methods.
Page 16 Get User Input GET.DOC
/W[nnnn] The number nnnn following /W will be used to establish the number
of seconds to wait for the first key stroke to be entered. If timeout
takes place with nothing entered, the ErrorLevel will be 0, and there
will be no GET variable in the Environment. If /W is omitted, GET will
wait forever. If a wrong key is pressed the timeout is cancelled.
Example: GET C "Answer Yes or No: " YN /W20
will wait 20 seconds for a character to be entered. If none are entered
in that time, GET will exit with 0. If a wrong character (not Y or N)
is entered, GET will wait until a correct character is entered regard-
less of the time. The default if /W is omitted is interpreted to mean
wait forever.
NOTE: /W has the same effect as the old #num syntax, which is retained in
this version for compatibility.
Example(old method): GET C "Enter F1 to continue: " ƒ#20 /X
Example(new method): GET C "Enter F1 to continue: " ƒ /X /W20
Caution, the old #nnn syntax will be eliminated in future versions.
/W0 or /W with no number indicates no wait. The prompt will be displayed,
and GET will immediately exit with ErrorLevel 0. This is useful to
"echo" text in reverse video or in color with the /A switch. If a
character is ready in the keyboard buffer due to a type-ahead, GET C, T,
and N will read that character. If it was a valid character for the
command, it will be reported as a valid character for the command.
/L will convert any uppercase Environment characters to lowercase. For
get C, T, and N, the ErrorLevel will still represent the ASCII code for
the uppercase character, and the Echo, if any, will be the uppercase
General: The C, N, I, and S commands read characters using a BIOS call so
they bypass Standard Input and most keyboard redefinition methods (mac-
ros). The old "surrogate" methods for Ctrl-Break, Extended, and En-
hanced keys are supported in Release 2.5 for compatibility, but will not
be supported in future versions.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that the special ASCII characters '<', '>',
and '|' are DOS redirection characters and you cannot use them as
characters in BATch files. 4DOS also uses '^' and the grave accent
(back quote) as special characters so they should not be used unless you
know that no users of your BATch file will be running 4DOS or NDOS in-
stead of COMMAND.COM. Single keystrokes for C, N or T are acted on
without pressing Enter. (String input, of course, will require the user
to press Enter.)
When a character is entered by the user in response to C, N, or T, it is
compared with the list of valid chars (if any). This validation of
characters is not case sensitive. That is, if the user enters a lower-
case letter it will be converted to uppercase and the chars will also be
converted to uppercase if necessary before any validation comparisons
are made.
When checking for string matching with the MS DOS BATch IF subcommand,
remember that it is case sensitive. Different versions of DOS handle
IF "string1"=="string2"
GET.DOC Get User Input Page 17
somewhat differently, and there have been several "bugs" reported in one
version or another. Try to test any such constructs under several DOS
versions including DR DOS and 4DOS/NDOS if possible. In some versions
the string cannot contain any spaces. The test under 4DOS is not case
sensitive, and it can contain spaces if the strings are enclosed in dou-
ble quotation marks. Only 4DOS does it right.
Page 18 GET Character GET C
GET C Get Character
Syntax: GET C[E] ["prompt"] [chars] [/switches]
Input: "prompt" to be displayed.
chars to specify the acceptable characters that can be entered.
/switches - /A /W /C /M /E /X /V /L
Output: ErrorLevel - ASCII or surrogate scan code.
Environment - character
C is short for "Character". GET C obtains a single character from the
user and does not wait for a carriage return <CR> to be pressed. As
soon as the user presses a key, GET immediately evaluates the key that
was pressed. The keystroke will be echoed to the screen to provide the
user with feedback on the key that was pressed. If the keystroke is an
alphabetic character (letter) it will be converted to uppercase if
necessary, although the echo will be the actual letter typed in by the
user. The storage of the letter in uppercase can be reversed with the
/L switch for lowercase.
GET CE is a special case in which the character is not echoed to the
screen. This might be useful if the character represents a password or
other secret symbol that must be held confidential and hidden from the
eyes of casual observers, or if the character entered has no special
significance as with the PAUSE command.
In its simplest form, GET C, no prompt is issued and any keystroke except
extended keys will be accepted. The BATch file will simply pause until
a key is pressed. However, the user should be given some indication of
what is expected, and the prompt provides a convenient means to do so.
For example, you can emulate the DOS PAUSE subcommand with the following
GET C "Press a key when ready . . ."
This is more convenient than the PAUSE subcommand because the prompt can
be anything you want it to be such as "Press a key when you want to con-
tinue . . .". As with the PAUSE command, it can be preceded in the
BATch file with ECHO statements giving more information as to what the
pause is for. It is also more useful with the /A switch to control the
attribute, and/or the /W switch to control the pausing time.
The optional argument [chars] is a single string of characters that limit
the acceptable user input. Any other character entered will produce a
beep, and GET will wait for another character. In addition to the com-
mon alphanumeric keyboard characters, special characters can be indi-
cated as discussed above under Surrogates and Extended Characters. If
the /C switch is included, the user will not be able to exit by pressing
Ctrl-Break, and Ctrl-C will be treated like any other character; i.e. if
any chars are specified, then Ctrl-C will not be allowed because it can-
not be specified, but if no chars are specified then Ctrl-C will return
ASCII 3. Ctrl-C is ASCII 3 and will be indicated by the number 3 in the
ErrorLevel and the ASCII character for 3, the heart, in the Environment.
1. To issue a message and wait for a key to be pressed similar to the DOS
PAUSE subcommand:
GET C GET Character Page 19
ECHO Make sure your printer is turned on.
GET C "Press a key when ready . . ."
2. To present a simple menu and let the user make a selection. The /C
switch indicates suppression of the Control-Break keystroke. Neither
Control-C nor Control-Break will be accepted.
ECHO A Word Processor
ECHO B Spreadsheet
ECHO C Database
GET C "Select A, B, or C: " ABC /C
Rem Call your word processor here
Rem Call your spread sheet here
Rem Call your database manager here
3. To illustrate the use of surrogates. The empty space between } and ~ is
the ASCII 255 character entered with Alt-255, not the regular space
character. The /W20 waits 20 seconds for a response. /A will cause the
prompt to be displayed in reverse video.
GET C "Press <CR>, space bar, or Esc: " } ~ /W20 /A
IF ErrorLevel 255 GOTO SPACE
IF ErrorLevel 126 GOTO ESCAPE
IF ErrorLevel 125 GOTO RETURN
Echo The space bar was pressed.
Echo The Escape key was pressed.
Echo The Enter key was pressed.
4. Same example as 3 using the Environment variable instead of the Error-
Level. Note that " " is ASCII 255 in double quotes, not the regular
space character. As above, the /W20 switch will wait for 20 seconds
then continue, but since none of the valid characters will be in the
%GET% variable, the next 3 lines will fall through and the GOTO START
line will cause a loop back to :START for another 20 second wait.
Page 20 GET Character GET C
GET C "Press <CR>, space bar, or Esc: " } ~ /W20
Echo The space bar was pressed.
Echo The Escape key was pressed.
Echo The Enter key was pressed.
GET N GET yes/no aNswer Page 21
GET N Get yes/no aNswer
Syntax: GET N[E] ["prompt"] [/switches]
Input: "prompt" to be displayed.
/switches - /A /W /C /M /V /L
Output: ErrorLevel - ASCII or surrogate code.
Environment - character
GET N is a special case of C that will accept only y, n, carriage return,
or Esc. The Ctrl-C suppression and the number of seconds switches to
wait may be specified, but no [chars] argument will be recognized. The
syntax rules for GET C apply to GET N. The only purpose for GET N is
just to make programming yes/no answers a bit simpler than using GET C
and having to always specify the YN and surrogate characters.
1. The following two statements are functionally identical:
GET N "Answer yes or no (y/n): "
GET C "Answer yes or no (y/n): " YN}~
2. Using ErrorLevel. 89 is the ASCII code for Y, 78 is the ASCII code for
N, 125 is the code for Carriage Return, and 126 for Escape. A method of
using the Environment for defining variables is illustrated.
GET N "Answer yes or no (y/n): "
IF ErrorLevel 126 GOTO ESCAPE
IF ErrorLevel 125 GOTO RETURN
IF ErrorLevel 89 GOTO YES
IF ErrorLevel 78 GOTO NO
SET GET=Escape
SET GET=Return
Echo The %GET% key was pressed.
3. Same example as 2. This time the Environment is used instead of the
ErrorLevel. Since we are not using Control-C suppression, it is pos-
sible to break out of the BATch file with Control-C or Control-Break in
this and the previous example. Remember that in many versions of DOS the
IF subcommand is case sensitive. GET N converts all alphabetic charac-
ters to uppercase, so always use uppercase comparison unless you are
using the /L switch.
Page 22 GET yes/no aNswer GET N
GET N "Answer yes or no (y/n): "
SET GET=Escape
SET GET=Return
:YES Put your code for Yes on lines after this label.
:NO Put your code for No on lines after this label.
Echo The %GET% key was pressed.
GET T Moving Text Page 23
GET T Moving Text
Syntax: GET T[E] "filespec" [chars] [/switches]
Input: file specification containing moving text to be displayed.
chars to specify the acceptable characters that can be entered.
/switches - /M /V /L
Output: ErrorLevel - ASCII or surrogate scan code.
Environment - character
GET T is another special case of GET C which provides a special effect.
The prompt information is presented as a moving line of text across the
bottom of the screen. This permits having prompt strings up to 4096
characters long, and the motion of the characters helps to catch the
users attention. T requires a file with the prompt string which will be
displayed moving across the bottom line of the screen. Currently only
standard 25 line screens are supported. The text file should be plain
ASCII without any control characters (No CR, LF, or any other characters
below ASCII 32). To be effective the prompt must be over 80 or more
characters long, and to ensure smooth wrap-around the first 79 charac-
ters should be repeated at the end. The maximum length for the text of
the moving prompt is 4096 characters. Over that it will be truncated.
T does not accept a number of seconds-to-wait argument at this time so
it will wait until a valid key is pressed.
The T command can fail with an "Invalid Command" message if the file is
not properly specified and cannot be found, or if the prompt string is
less than 80 characters. An ErrorLevel of zero should be tested to
determine if the command was successful (see example 2 below). A prompt
string of exactly 80 characters will remain stationary.
The question has been asked as to how to go about creating such a long
prompt string without carriage returns or other control characters.
Many text editors have the capability to do this by turning off word
wrap. A good text editor will let you do just about anything you want
to do with ASCII text. Most programmers use a text editor instead of a
word processor while creating and editing their code. Many word pro-
cessors will let you use them as text editors by specifying "non-
document" mode as appropriate. As with many things related to program-
ming, trial and error experimentation is often the order of the day.
Sometimes it is called "hacking".
1. If there is a file on the GET disk named SAMPLE.TXT, enter the follow-
ing command to see the moving text effect:
2. Example 2 for GET C can easily be modified to use a moving text prompt
by changing GET C to GET T and replacing the prompt with the filename as
follows. The timeout option is not effective with GET T.
Page 24 Moving Text GET T
GET T "sample.txt" } ~
IF NOT ErrorLevel 1 GOTO END
IF ErrorLevel 255 GOTO SPACE
IF ErrorLevel 126 GOTO ESCAPE
IF ErrorLevel 125 GOTO RETURN
Echo The space bar was pressed.
Echo The Escape key was pressed.
Echo The Enter key was pressed.
In this example note the addition of the line IF NOT ErrorLevel 1 GOTO
END. If the named file is not found due to not being in the current
directory, or not having the correct path or name specified, then GET
will report "Invalid Command" and exit with ErrorLevel 0. The added
statement is a check for ErrorLevel equal 0, and should always be in-
cluded when using the GET T command. You may include drive and path
with the filename, but GET must be able to find it where it is specified
to be.
GET S GET String Page 25
GET S Get String
Syntax: GET S[E] ["prompt"] [pattern] [/switches]
Input: "prompt" to be displayed.
pattern to control character entry
/switches - /A /W /C /M /V /U /~ /L
Output: ErrorLevel - length of string entered.
Environment - string.
S accepts character string input terminated by a carriage return. SE is
the same but does not echo user input to the screen. The latter is use-
ful for hiding the entry of a password, for example. Extended and en-
hanced keys will not be accepted, but break can be suppressed with /C.
The length of the string entered is returned in ErrorLevel. If the user
presses Esc, GET will exit with 0 in ErrorLevel as if a timeout has oc-
curred unless the /~ switch is specified as described below.
As with GET C, the prompt will be issued and then GET will wait with the
cursor on the same line as the prompt for keyboard input. If a /W is
specified, GET will wait the specified number of seconds for the first
key to be pressed, then exit with an ErrorLevel of 0 if no key has been
pressed. If any key is pressed during the waiting period, the wait is
cancelled and GET waits for the user to press the Carriage Return (En-
ter) key.
The /~ switch modifies the result if Escape is pressed. If the Escape ac-
tion switch is specified as /~, when Esc is pressed GET will exit and
leave the Esc surrogate <~> in the Environment and 126 in ErrorLevel.
This permits testing whether it was in fact a timeout or if the user
pressed the Escape key. The /~ switch is needed as a compatibility fea-
ture. Without it, GET S will work as it did in Release 2.2.
The length of a string for the S command can be controlled by creating a
pattern of characters equal in number to the maximum length of the
string allowed. If the argument is omitted the default is 79 charac-
ters. A beep will be sounded if the maximum length has been reached and
more characters are attempted, or if any characters do not match the
specified pattern.
The pattern in the argument specifies the acceptable characters for each
position as follows. Note that the uppercase characters T, A, and Z
will cause lowercase characters to be converted to uppercase. Conver-
sions to uppercase will also cause the space character to be converted
to ASCII 255. This will facilitate BATch file checking with the IF sub-
tT - any typeable character, T - a-z will be uppercased.
aA - any alphabetic character, A - a-z will be uppercased.
zZ - any alphanumeric character, Z - a-z will be uppercased.
9 - any digit 0-9. Alt-255 - space character only.
Any other character must match the character entered exactly.
In a sense you can think of Alt-255 as an uppercase space character. Re-
member that the regular ASCII space is used as a delimiter so the scan-
ning of the pattern stops if an embedded space is encountered. If you
need to specify the space, use the surrogate Alt-255, otherwise use t or
T if a space is permitted. If you are going to test the input with the
DOS IF subcommand use Alt-255 or T. This will cause the space to be
converted to an Alt-255 which can be tested. Unless you are using 4DOS,
Page 26 GET String GET S
if you try to test a string which contains a space with IF, you will get
the message "Bad command or file name", even with MS DOS 5.0. This is
because COMMAND.COM stops parsing the string when it encounters a space
which it considers to be a delimiter even if it is enclosed in quotes.
1. The following example lets the user type in any characters up to a
limit of 79. The string that is typed in will be in the Environment,
and the length of the string in the ErrorLevel. Because the /~ switch
is used, if the user presses Esc, the Escape surrogate "~" will be in
the Environment and 126 in the ErrorLevel. If the user presses Ctrl-C
or Ctrl-Break, DOS will break out of GET with no change to the GET vari-
able in the environment, and an undefined value in the ErrorLevel, pos-
sibly 3 for Ctrl-C.. For this reason it is a good idea to clear the GET
variable with the statement SET GET= before issuing the GET S command,
or use /C to suppress Ctrl-Break as in the next example. The /U switch
causes lowercase characters in the string to be converted to uppercase
to facilitate IF tests.
GET S /U /~
2. This example asks the user for a password. It does not echo the entry
to the screen to keep the password secure from prying eyes. It sup-
presses Ctrl-Break but allows the BATch file to check to see if the user
entered Escape. The password is limited to 8 alphabetic or numeric
characters, and all alpha characters will be converted to uppercase to
facilitate testing. The /a switch causes the error message to be dis-
played in reverse video, and the /w switch causes GET to immediately
exit after displaying the prompt.
GET SE "Enter your password: " ZZZZZZZZ /C /~
if "%GET%"=="~" goto Escape
if "%GET%"=="PASSWORD" goto PWOK
Rem Display error message in reverse video
GET C "Incorrect Password" /a /w
goto START
GET N "Do you want to cancel your logon? "
if NOT "%GET%"=="Y" goto START
Echo Your logon is cancelled.
goto EXIT
Echo Your logon has been accepted
Rem Do whatever is necessary here to complete the logon.
3. The next example gives the user 30 seconds to respond. If there is no
first name entered within 30 seconds, GET will beep and the BATch file
will cycle back to :START and ask the question again. If there is a
timeout on last name, the BATch file will report that the session is
cancelled and exit. Only alphabetic characters are allowed, and the
first character will be automatically capitalized.
GET S GET String Page 27
GET S "Enter your first name " Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /W30
if NOT ErrorLevel 1 goto START
GET S "Enter your last name " Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /W30
if errorlevel 1 goto NAME
Echo Your session is cancelled.
Rem Do whatever is necessary to cancel session here.
goto EXIT
Echo Your name is %FIRST% %GET%
Page 28 Check Key Buffer GET I
GET I Check Key Buffer
Syntax: GET I[E] "prompt" [/switches]
Input: "prompt" to be displayed.
/switches - /A /M /V /E /X
Output: ErrorLevel - ASCII or surrogate scan code.
Environment - character
I checks to see whether a key has been pressed but it does not wait for a
keystroke if none is in the buffer; i.e. if the user has not pressed a
key in type-ahead mode. The character that is waiting will be reported
in the same manner as for GET C, but it will remain in the keyboard
buffer. If there is no character waiting, the ErrorLevel will be 0 and
GET or the variable specified with /V will be expunged from the Environ-
IE will read the key if it is present and report it in the same manner as
C, or return 0 and expunge GET from the Environment if no character is
waiting. The difference in the IE command from the C command is that IE
does not wait if no key is waiting. If you specify a zero waiting time
for GET C with GET C /W or GET C /W0 it will be functionally equivalent
to GET IE.
You can control whether Extended or Enhanced keys are to be included in
the same manner as for GET C. A prompt can be included and will be dis-
played, which makes I useful to "echo" text to the screen like the DOS
ECHO command, but with GET you can specify reverse video or color at-
One way to make use of GET I is to allow a key to be pressed during boot-
up (or while any BATch file is running for that matter), then check to
see if a key has been pressed and take action accordingly, but if no key
was pressed there will be no delay. Another use would be in a BATch
program that the user is familiar enough with that s/he may anticipate
the next question. GET I could be used to check to see if the user has
answered the question before it was asked.
1. In these examples a GET command (GET U), explained elsewhere, is used
to place a key in the keyboard buffer, then GET I checks to see if it is
there. In this first example, the letter "a" is placed in the buffer
and GET I reports that "A" is waiting with ErrorLevel 65 and GET=A. The
character "a" will remain in the buffer and will be available to the
next program that reads keyboard input. In this case, neither extended
nor enhanced keys will be seen.
Rem Simulate user pressing the "a" key.
GET U "a"
Rem Check to see if the key is in the buffer.
if ErrorLevel 1 goto ISTHERE
Echo There is no key in the buffer.
goto EXIT
Echo The key in the buffer is %GET%.
Rem Note that if you run this BATch file from the command line, you will
Rem see "a" at the next DOS prompt when DOS reads the keyboard buffer.
GET I Check Key Buffer Page 29
2. Clearing the keyboard buffer. By using the switch /E, both extended
and enhanced keys will be seen as well as all standard keys. Do not use
/E unless you know that all users will have enhanced keyboards. Note:
This example is for illustration only. A faster method of clearing the
buffer is to use the /B switch.
if ErrorLevel 1 goto LOOP
3. Suppose you would like to be able to do a clean boot without any TSR's
when you want to run a program such as a disk defragmenter. You can
have GET I check if you have pressed a key, and skip your TSR's in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT if you have.
if ErrorLevel 1 goto CONTINUE
Rem Load first TSR here.
Rem Load Second TSR here.
Rem ...
Rem Load Last TSR here.
:CONTINUE with the rest of your AUTOEXEC.BAT
Page 30 Put String (Zap) GET Z
GET Z Put String (Zap)
Syntax: GET Z "string" [skip] [/switches]
Input: "string" to be placed in the Environment
/switches - /M /V /U /L /W
Output: ErrorLevel - length of string.
Environment - string
Z uses the "string" as input. It will put the string into the Environment
as the value of the GET= or /Vvar= variable. If you include the /M
switch, GET will attempt to bypass any secondary environments and put
the string in the master Environment. By "master Environment" is meant
the environment of the original command processor that was loaded when
you started your computer, as contrasted with what we shall call the
"current" Environment defined as that of the command processor that is
running the BATch file. The current Environment will be the same as the
master Environment unless a secondary command processor has been in-
voked. If GET is running under a secondary command processor, GET Z with
/M will attempt to bypass the current Environment of the secondary com-
mand processor and find the master environment. In the latter case, the
GET variable will not be available to the current BATch file. See dis-
cussion of Environment and Shells.
If a numerical [skip] argument is specified, it will be taken to specify
the number of characters to skip over before transferring the remainder
of the string to the environment. The /W switch can be used to specify
the maximum length of the string as described for GET ZE below. Thus,
GET Z can be used to extract a substring from "string" starting with the
character after skip and using up to the number of characters specified
by /Wnnnn. If [skip] is omitted the default is 0 meaning to start at
the beginning of the string. NOTE: The use of /W with GET Z and GET ZE
is different from the use with other input commands where it denotes a
time to wait for input.
GET Z can have several uses. A few that come to mind are: uppercase a
string to test it with the IF subcommand, measure the length of a
string, count the number of times through a loop by measuring the length
of a string that has a character concatenated on each pass, fill out a
string to a fixed length by concatenating blanks and measuring its
length, extract a substring from a string.
1. Place a string in the master Environment. The master Environment will
then contain "GET=This is the string" and the ErrorLevel will be the
length of the string (18). To verify that the string was placed in the
master Environment, first run a secondary command processor by typing
COMMAND at the DOS prompt. Then run this example and see that the
string is not in the current environment by entering SET and viewing the
Environment. Finally, enter EXIT to return to the original command pro-
cessor and enter SET again to see that the string is actually in the
master Environment.
GET Z "This is the string" /M
2. Suppose you want to fill out a string with blanks to reach a certain
fixed length. In this example let the fixed length be 16. This is one
way to implement a loop and control the number of times the loop occurs.
You can either right justify or left justify, and you can append spaces,
unlike using the DOS SET command.
GET Z Put String (Zap) Page 31
Rem Get user input, maximum of 16 characters.
get s "Enter name: " tttttttttttttttt /a
:FILL If less than 16 characters entered, fill with blanks.
if ErrorLevel 16 goto LENOK
Rem Append a blank and loop back to check if enough
get z "%GET% "
goto FILL
:LENOK Now we have the length we want.
Echo "The string is %GET%"
3. Use GET Z to extract the 3rd, 4th, and 5th characters from a string.
Rem Turn on GET's reporting feature
GET Z "abcdef" 2 /w3
The Environment is: cde
The ErrorLevel is: 3
4. Suppose there is an Environment variable named VER and that in this
case it has the value VER=3.31. We can extract the DOS minor version
with GET Z as follows.
GET Z "%VER%" 2
The Environment is: 31
The ErrorLevel is: 2
5. Use GET Z to make sure an environment string is in uppercase to facili-
tate testing it with the BATch IF subcommand. Spaces will be converted
to ASCII-255 otherwise the DOS IF test would fail. Remember to use
ASCII-255 for the test in your BATch file if there are any spaces. Let
"varname" be the name of a variable in the Environment.
GET Z "%varname%" /U /Vvarname=
Rem In the next line, the "space" between B and S is really ASCII-255.
IF "%varname%"=="BOB STEPHAN" goto NAMEOK
Echo The name did not match
goto END
Echo The name matched
Page 32 Standard Input GET ZE
GET ZE Standard Input
Syntax: GET ZE "prompt" [/switches]
Input: "prompt" to be displayed.
/switches - /A /M /V /U /W /L
Output: ErrorLevel - length of string.
Environment - string.
ZE will take input from Standard Input and transfer it to the GET= or
/Vvar= variable in the Environment. The input must be less than 80
characters and must be terminated with a carriage return. ZE will take
input from the keyboard (Get String), or from redirection or piping. If
you specify a prompt for ZE, it will be displayed before reading stan-
dard input. GET ZE works similar to GET S, but uses DOS to obtain the
input string from the user; therefore, it is not able to monitor each
keystroke and will not be able to suppress Ctrl-Break with the /C
switch. You can force the string to uppercase with the /U switch, or to
lowercase with the /L switch.
/W can be used with both GET Z and GET ZE to specify the maximum length of
the string. If the input string is longer than the maximum specified
with /W, it will be truncated to the length specified.
1. GET S uses the BIOS interrupt to get characters from the user, but you
can also use DOS Standard Input with GET ZE. The prompt will be dis-
played and the string can be entered from the keyboard for a maximum of
79 characters. The /U switch can be used to force the environment vari-
able to uppercase, but the user will see it just as it was typed in.
GET ZE "Enter a string: " /U
2. You can use GET ZE to pipe the current directory into the current En-
vironment by using DOS piping. This could be used to redirect any stan-
dard output into an Environment variable. Of course, GET Y is the
preferred method of putting the current directory into the Environment
with GET, but this illustrates the method to do it with any program that
writes to standard output. In some cases piping CD into GET ZE might be
preferable because CD includes the drive specification.
The Environment is: D:\QPRO
The ErrorLevel is: 7
3. You can read the first line of a text file. If you don't want to see
the echo from DOS, redirect the output to NUL. The general syntax is
GET ZE<filespec>NUL. In this example, the output from the DOS DATE com-
mand is redirected to a file, then read in to the Environment with GET
ZE, and finally the day of the week is extracted with GET Z. NOTE: The
date could also have been piped directly into GET as in the previous ex-
ample, but for the purposes of this example an intermediate file is
GET ZE Standard Input Page 33
Rem Stack <return> to automate the DATE command.
get u 13
Rem Use the DOS DATE command to create a file for the date
date >date.txt
Rem The first line of the file will have the format
Rem Current date is Sun 11-17-1991
Rem Read the first line into the variable GET=.
get ze <date.txt
Rem Extract the day of the week in characters 17-19
get z "%GET%" 16 /w3
Rem The Environment will now contain the variable GET=Sun.
Rem NOTE: Different versions of DOS have different formats
Rem for the output of the DATE command.
Rem Now erase the temporary file.
del date.txt
Page 34 'Rithmetic GET.DOC
GET R 'Rithmetic
Syntax: GET R[E] num1 [/Wnum2] [/switches]
Input: one or two numbers, maximum of 4 digits each.
/switches - /M /V /W
Output: ErrorLevel - num1+num2, RE - num1-num2
Environment - same as ErrorLevel
R for 'Rithmetic adds or subtracts two numbers.
GET R adds the two numbers
GET RE subtracts the second from the first
The arithmetic result is in both the Environment and ErrorLevel. If only
one number is given, the other number defaults to 0. The max number of
digits for each number is 4. Thus a character representation of a number
can be converted to a number in the ErrorLevel. See examples below for
information about results larger than 255 or negative.
1. Convert a numerical Environment variable to an ErrorLevel. Suppose the
following string is in the Environment: VAR=45. Then
will set the ErrorLevel to 45, and place GET=45 in the Environment.
2. Suppose you need to set up a loop in a BATch file. You can do it this
Echo The count is %COUNT%
3. You can use GET R to pass a return code from a CALLed BATch file to its
parent. Of course, this could have been done by SETting and Environe-
ment variable, but with GET R you can use the ErrorLevel if you want.
Echo This is the child batch file.
Rem Set the default ErrorLevel to 0, suppress Environment variable.
GET R 0 /V-
Rem Now make tests and set ErrorLevel accordingly.
If "%COMSPEC%"=="C:\COMMAND.COM" get r 1 /V-
If "%COMSPEC%"=="C:\4DOS.COM" get r 4 /V-
@Echo off
Rem This is the parent file.
If ErrorLevel 4 Echo 4DOS is loaded.
If ErrorLevel 1 Echo COMMAND.COM is loaded.
If Not ErrorLevel 1 Echo Unknown command processor.
4. If the result is greater than 255, the ErrorLevel is modulo 256.
For example: 256=0, 257=1, ..., 511=255, 512=0, etc.
set GET?=on
GET.DOC 'Rithmetic Page 35
GET R 195 /W350
The Environment is: 545
The ErrorLevel is: 33
5. GET uses simple computer integer arithmetic. Negative numbers are not
recognized as such. If a larger number is subtracted from smaller, the
result is 65536 minus the absolute value of the difference.
GET RE 10 /W20
The ErrorLevel is 246
The Environment is 65526
Page 36 Clear (Blank) Screen GET B
GET B Clear (Blank) Screen
Syntax: GET B[E] [New attribute] [/switches]
Input: desired new attribute in decimal for B, hex for BE.
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - old attribute (decimal of course).
Environment - old attribute in decimal, hex for BE.
B the screen Blanker actually performs a clear screen, not a true blank-
ing which leave the screen display intact but merely hides it. By doing
so, it is able to control the screen attribute (color). GET B uses
your color settings unless you give it a different attribute to use. It
automatically adapts to any number of lines on the screen (e.g. EGA 43
or VGA 50).
If an attribute argument is given it is taken to be a 1, 2, or 3-digit
decimal number that is converted to a two-digit hexadecimal number for
the attribute. The same table of colors and attributes that is used for
the /A switch is used for the GET B command.
BE regards an argument as a 1 or 2-digit hex number, and the GET value in
the Environment is in hex.
1. Do a simple ClearScreen (CLS) without changing colors or number of
lines. Suppose the old attribute was black and white.
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
The Environment is: 7
The ErrorLevel is: 7
2. Set color to blue background with white text. Save the old attribute
in the environment variable ATTR.
The Environment is: 7
The ErrorLevel is: 7
3. Restore the saved attribute.
The Environment is: 23
The ErrorLevel is: 23
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
GET V Get/set video mode Page 37
GET V Get/set video mode
Syntax: GET V[E] [New mode/color] [/switches]
Input: optional new video mode for V or color for VE.
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - old mode or color
Environment - old mode or color
V reports and optionally sets the video mode. Don't change Video mode un-
less you have a specific reason for doing so to prevent setting a mode
that is not supported by the system running the BATch file.
The following Video Display Mode table is excerpted from "The New Peter
Norton Programmer's Guide to The IBM PC & PS/2," page 72.
Mode # Type Resolution Colors Video Subsystem
0, 1 Text 40 x 25 16 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA
2, 3 Text 80 x 25 16 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA
4, 5 Graphics 320 x 200 4 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA
6 Graphics 640 x 200 2 CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA
7 Text 80 x 25 Mono CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA
8, 9, 10 PCjr only
11, 12 Used internally
13 Graphics 320 x 200 16 EGA, VGA
14 Graphics 640 x 200 16 EGA, VGA
15 Graphics 640 x 350 Mono EGA, VGA
16 Graphics 640 x 350 16 EGA, VGA
17 Graphics 640 x 480 2 MCGA, VGA
18 Graphics 640 x 480 16 VGA
19 Graphics 320 x 200 25 MCGA, VGA
1. Get the current video mode and save it in the variable VIDEO. Change
to video mode 2. Later restore the original mode.
GET V 2 /vvideo=
Rem Do what you need to with mode 2
Rem Restore original mode
Rem Clear out VIDEO variable
2. Suppose you have an "ill behaved" program such as a game that leaves
the video in a graphics mode when it exits. You can save the orginal
mode before executing the game, then restore it later.
Rem Store original video mode
GET V /vvideo=
Rem Run the ill behaved game
Rem Restore original mode
Rem Clear out VIDEO variable
Page 38 Get/set video border GET VE
GET VE Get/set video border
VE will get/set the border color on a VGA or EGA monitor. See the color
table below. One interesting use is to set different border colors for
each of your DESQview windows if you are a DV user. GET VE will take any
of the 8 basic color codes 0-7. The additional combinations that can be
used for /A or GET B have no meaning for GET VE.
The color codes are:
0 Black 2 Green 4 Red 6 Brown
1 Blue 3 Cyan 5 Magenta 7 White
1. Set the border color to red. It was black.
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
The Environment is: 0
The ErrorLevel is: 0
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
GET H Date and Time Page 39
GET H Date and Time
Syntax: GET H[E] code [/switches]
Input: Code from the table below
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel -
Environment -
H The H Date and Time command works differently than most of the others.
The value to be obtained is determined by a coded numerical argument.
The codes are as follows with 1 being the default.
1 Day of the Week - Sunday=0 16 Hour
2 Day of the Month 32 Minute
4 Month - January=1 64 Second
8 Year 128 Odd or Even (H only)
For H, only one value is returned for each call of GET. The Environment
will contain the character representation of the ErrorLevel, except for
Year, or for the Odd/Even feature, or if no code is given. Since Error-
Level has a maximum of 255, only the last two digits of the year will be
reported, but the Environment will have the full value. If no code is
given, the ErrorLevel will contain the default Day of the Week but no
Environment variable will be created.
The Odd/Even feature is obtained by adding 128 to the desired code. The
Environment will contain the value for the code, but the ErrorLevel will
be 1 if the value is odd or 0 if it is even. This provides a means to
alternate doing something like running COMPRESS on C: on even days and
D: on odd days. A code of 128 by itself will put the odd or even in-
dicator for the Day of the Week in the ErrorLevel but no Environment
variable will be created.
HE will place a concatenated string in the environment. You can "build
your own" string. HE requires that you add up the codes for the values
you want concatenated. With this form of the command the ErrorLevel is
the length of the GET variable, but it is not very meaningful or useful.
128 does nothing for HE either.
If you can find a use for it with HE, you can include a "prompt" string in
double quotes. The Environment variable will contain the prompt string
with the requested date and/or time information concatenated.
1. This is a rather elaborate BATch file that can be called to provide a
formatted date. Call it SHOWDATE.BAT. When you call SHOWDATE it will
report something like "The date is August 25, 1991". This information
could just as easily be stored as an Environment variable for use by
other BATch files and programs.
Page 40 Date and Time GET H
@Echo Off
If "%GET%"=="12" set MONTH=December
If "%GET%"=="11" set MONTH=November
If "%GET%"=="10" set MONTH=October
If "%GET%"=="9" set MONTH=September
If "%GET%"=="8" set MONTH=August
If "%GET%"=="7" set MONTH=July
If "%GET%"=="6" set MONTH=June
If "%GET%"=="5" set MONTH=May
If "%GET%"=="4" set MONTH=April
If "%GET%"=="3" set MONTH=March
If "%GET%"=="2" set MONTH=February
If "%GET%"=="1" set MONTH=January
Get H 2 /VDAY=
Get H 8 /VYR=
Echo The date is %MONTH% %DAY%, %YR%
2. A GET BATch file can easily be set up to wait until a given time by
using the H feature. In this example the first pair of GET calls checks
every 15 minutes for the hour you want to wait until - in this case 11
p.m. or 23 in computer parlance. The next pair of GET calls checks the
time once a minute and waits until the minute is 30. The BATch file
will continue executing at 11:30 p.m. or shortly thereafter.
@echo off
:HOUR Check the hour every 15 minutes.
GET C /W900
GET H 16
if not "%GET%"=="23" goto HOUR
:MINUTE Check the minute every 60 seconds.
GET C /W60
GET H 32
if not ErrorLevel 30 goto MINUTE
Rem The BATch file will continue here at 11:30 p.m.
3. The above BATch file can be parameterized so it can be called with the
hour and minute that you want it to wait until. Name this BATch file
WAITFOR.BAT, then at the DOS prompt enter WAITFOR hour minute. For ex-
ample, WAITFOR 23 30. A BATch file like this can be run in a DESQview
window in the background and produce an alarm at a given time, or ex-
ecute a program in the background or when the computer is unattended.
It can easily be tuned down to the minute, or even the second by how
fine you make the checkpoint intervals.
@echo off
:HOUR Check the hour every 15 minutes.
GET C /W900
GET H 16
if not "%GET%"=="%1" goto HOUR
:MINUTE Check the minute every 60 seconds.
GET C /W60
GET H 32
if not ErrorLevel %2 goto MINUTE
Rem The BATch file will continue here at the hour and minute you specify.
Rem Sound your alarm, or do whatever here, for example,
Echo ^G ^G ^G ^G ^G
GET H Date and Time Page 41
4. Here are some BATch statements I use in my AUTOEXEC.BAT to do some
things only once a day, such as run DOS 5.0 MIRROR to save a copy of my
system information in case of a crash. The current date is saved on
disk in a BATch file named SETDATE.BAT. It contains one line, for exam-
ple: SET DATE=29. When I CALL SETDATE it stores the last saved date in
the Environment as the DATE= variable. Then I use GET to get today's
date and compare it with %DATE%. If they compare, I know that I have
already done my once-a-day procedures and can skip them this time. If
they don't compare, a new SETDATE.BAT is automatically created, and the
once-a-day statements are executed. Follow it through here:
Rem Call SETDATE to store the last saved date in the Environment
Rem Get today's date to compare with.
Rem Compare the last saved date with today's date.
Rem If false, recreate SETDATE with today's date.
Rem Do your once-a-day procedures here; for example ...
Rem If the dates compared we would skip the above lines
Rem thus speeding up succeeding boots.
Rem Continue with your AUTOEXEC.BAT here.
Rem Run MIRROR on your boot drive and load delete tracking for all drives
5. HE was designed to produce output in the same form required by the DOS
DATE and TIME commands. For example, if you need to temporarily change
the system date (or time) and later restore it, you can do it with the
following BATch file.
@Echo off
Rem HE 14 will report mm-dd-yy in the Environment: 14=2+4+8.
get HE 14 /VDATE=
Rem Now set the date as you need it for whatever reason, for example:
DATE 6-15-90
Rem Now run the program that requires the new date.
Rem . . .
Rem Now restore the original date.
Rem Clear out the DATE variable (unless you want to save it to use again).
6. Concatenate a "prompt" string with the date.
Rem Turn on the GET reporting feature
GET HE "The date is" 14
The Environment is: The date is 8-29-91
The ErrorLevel is: 20
Rem Turn off the reporting feature
Page 42 Keyboard BUffer GET U
GET U Keyboard BUffer
Syntax: GET U "chars" num /Wnum [/switches]
Input: characters and key codes to place in key buffer
/switches /M /V /W /B
Output: ErrorLevel - Number of characters actually stacked
Environment - Not used, GET or /V variable will be cleared out.
U will stack keys in the keyboard bUffer. The syntax is GET U "chars"
num /Wnum where chars are any ASCII characters you want stacked in dou-
ble quotes, and the "num"s are decimal representations of values for ei-
ther ASCII codes or scan codes. Up to 4 digits can be used for either
number. E.g. to end the string with a carriage return use 13 or /W13.
To enter a scan code add it to 255. Note that this is purposely dif-
ferent from the scan code surrogates for the GET C command.
NOTE: GET U will only work on PC/XT's with BIOS dated 01/10/86 and later,
PC/AT's with BIOS dated 11/15/85 and later, and PS/2s!
With GET U you can provide a default entry for a GET S string; however,
the DOS keyboard buffer only holds 15 characters, so it has to be rather
short. Use GET U "default" followed by GET S "prompt", and the default
string will be entered for the user. The user can either change it by
backspacing or accept it by pressing enter.
The ErrorLevel will contain the number of characters or codes actually
placed in the buffer. If the buffer fills up before all the characters
or codes are stacked, GET will beep and exit. By testing the ErrorLevel
for the number of characters and codes, you can tell if the stacking was
successful. To make the full buffer available, the /B switch can be
used to clear the buffer.
1. The following will stack the word "help" in the buffer and execute it
as a command by also stacking the Enter key (ASCII 13 for CR). To make
the stacked command execute, the BATch file must exit to activate the
DOS prompt.
GET U "help" 13 /B
Rem Test that 5 characters were stacked
if ErrorLevel 5 goto EXIT
Rem Not all characters were stacked, so clear the buffer and exit
2. The scan code for F1 is decimal 59 so use 314 (=59+255). The following
command will stack the F1 key (The HELP key for 4DOS):
GET U 314
GET U Keyboard BUffer Page 43
3. Some programs pause when they are loading and require the user to
press a key to continue. If the program does not clear the keyboard
buffer, then GET U can stack the keystroke(s) to automate the loading of
the program. It could also automate the first few program command keys.
In this example we will stack the characters to bring up a spreadsheet
file list in Quattro Pro.
Rem /FR is the Retrieve command for Quattro Pro
Rem Now call Quattro Pro - the spreadsheet list will be displayed.
Page 44 Shift Locks GET UE
GET UE Shift Locks
Syntax: GET UE [/Wnum] [/switches]
Input: numerical code to set or clear keyboard locks.
/switches /M /V /W
Output: ErrorLevel - Old value
Environment - Old value
UE will let you adjust the Caps, Num, and Scroll Locks. Sum the numbers
for Scroll=16, Num=32, Caps=64 for the Locks you want to set. The
other(s) will be cleared. You must use GET UE /Wnum not just GET UE
num. CAUTION: Don't forget the /W.
1. Turn off NumLock and ScrollLock, turn on CapsLock
2. Turn on both NumLock and CapsLock, turn off ScrollLock.
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
The Environment is: 64
The ErrorLevel is: 64
3. Turn off all key locks
The Environment is: 96
The ErrorLevel is: 96
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
4. Turn on CapsLock, then restore original setting
Rem Turn on Caps and Num Locks to get user input
Rem Save original setting in LOCK.
Rem Get string input from user in upper case and numbers.
GET S "Enter information now: "
Rem Restore original lock settings
Rem Clear out the LOCK variable
GET.DOC Get DISK and FILE Information Page 45
GET DISK and FILE Information
The commands K, Q, L, F, and Y obtain information about disks and/or files.
Note that Q, K, and L check to see if the drive contains a formatted disk,
and they return an ErrorLevel 0 if it does not. This avoids the Abort,
Retry, etc. error handling. If the ErrorLevel is 0 the error code will be
in %GET% as a hexadecimal value.
Some error code values of interest are:
0 - Write protected diskette (n/a since GET does not write)
1 - Invalid drive letter
2 - Drive not ready - no disk or door open.
4, 6, 7, 8, & B - Disk read errors
C - General, nonspecific error.
F - Invalid disk change
GET K Get disk free space
Syntax: GET K[E] [drive][/Wdiv] [/switches]
Input: drive letter and optionally divisor
/switches - /M /V /L /W
Output: ErrorLevel - KiloBytes/10, KE - KiloBytes/100
Environment - KiloBytes
K takes the argument to be a drive letter. The colon is not required.
The default is the current drive. Optionally a divisor can be included
after the /W switch.
K, as well as Q and L, starts out by attempting a direct read of the disk.
If this fails by reason of one of the errors mentioned above, GET
reports the error and exits. This avoids the annoying "Abort, Retry,
Ignore, Fail?" message if the drive is not ready for some reason, and
lets the BATch programmer handle the error as appropriate to the ap-
plication. If the read is successful, GET K obtains the disk informa-
tion and calculates the free space.
Disk free space is reported in kilobytes (kb) in the Environment. To
verify the value you can take the free space reported by CHKDSK and di-
vide it by 1024, the number of bytes in a kb. The result should come
out exactly. The value reported in the Environment is the same for GET
K and GET KE.
Since the ErrorLevel can only report numbers up to 255, GET reduces the
value that is reported, but this does not affect the value in the En-
vironment. For GET K the number of kb is divided by 10, and for GET KE,
the kb is divided by 100. For disks with very large partitions, this
may still not reduce the amount reported below 255, so GET also has pro-
visions for an optional programmer supplied divisor. For example, an
argument of /W1024 will divide by 1024, and the ErrorLevel will contain
approximate megabytes of free space. The /W notation is the new
preferred method.
1. Assume that CHKDSK reports "8,386,560 bytes available on disk". Then
GET K reports
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
Page 46 Get disk free space GET K
The Environment is: 8190
The ErrorLevel is: 255
In this case 8190 divided by 10 is 819, a figure too large for the Error-
Level, so the ErrorLevel is set to the maximum value.
2. Same assumption as 1. GET KE reports
The Environment is: 8190
The ErrorLevel is: 81
In this case the kb is divided by 100 and truncated by integer arithmetic
to 81.
3. Same assumption as 1. Suppose we want the free space in megabytes (mb)
on drive C:.
GET K C /W1024
The Environment is: 8190
The ErrorLevel is: 7
In this case, 8190 divided by 1024 is just under 8, but is truncated to 7
by the integer arithmetic used. The BATch file is assured of at least 7
mb free.
4. Obtain the free space on the diskette in drive B. Assume that CHKDSK
reports 700,416 free.
The Environment is: 684
The ErrorLevel is: 68
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
5. There is no diskette in drive A:. The error may be reported as 2 or
if not errorlevel 1 if not "%GET%"=="" goto DiskError
Echo The free space on drive A: is %GET%
goto exit
Echo Disk error %GET% on drive A:.
GET Q Get Disk Capacity (Quota) Page 47
GET Q Get Disk Capacity (Quota)
Syntax: GET Q[E] [drive][/Wdiv] [/switches]
Input: drive letter and optionally divisor
/switches - /M /V /W
Output: ErrorLevel - KiloBytes/10, QE - KiloBytes/100
Environment - KiloBytes
Q reports the capacity of a disk. GET Q works just like GET K except that
it returns the capacity of the disk as if it were empty. Q for Quota?
As with K, Q first determines that a formatted disk is present in the
Q will most often be used to determine the type of diskette in a floppy
disk drive although it will work on a hard disk as well, if that is of
interest. Before Q can make this determination, the disk must be
formatted, so it cannot be used to select the type of formatting to use
in a BATch file.
For both Q and K the extended command divides the ErrorLevel by 100 but
does not change the Environment variable. If you need a different
divisor for the ErrorLevel for K or Q, you can use the /W notation. This
divisor feature will be needed to get ErrorLevel information on large
1. A 360k diskette is in drive A:. CHKDSK reports "362,496 bytes total
disk space".
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
The Environment is: 354
The ErrorLevel is: 35
That's right, in computer terms there are only 354kb on a nominal 360k
diskette after space is set aside for the boot record, FAT, and root
directory. By the way, I think you will find that GET reports faster
than CHKDSK in spite of taking time to try the direct read to check for
drive ready.
2. A 1.2mb diskette is in drive A:. CHKDSK reports 1,213,952 total.
The Environment is: 1185
The ErrorLevel is: 11
3. A 720k diskette is in drive B:. CHKDSK reports 730,416 bytes.
The Environment is: 713
The ErrorLevel is: 71
4. A 1.44mb disk is in drive B:. CHKDSK reports 1,457,664 total bytes.
The Environment is: 1423
Page 48 Get Disk Capacity (Quota) GET Q
The ErrorLevel is: 142
5. CHKDSK reports 33,449,984 bytes total disk space on drive C:. Use GET
to find the number of megabytes in the ErrorLevel.
GET Q c /w1024
The Environment is: 32666
The ErrorLevel is: 31
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
6. There is no drive Z:. The error may be reported as 1 or C.
if not ErrorLevel 1 if not "%GET%"=="" goto DiskError
Echo The disk in drive Z: has %GET% kilobyte capacity
goto exit
if %GET%==1 Echo Invalid drive letter: Z.
if %GET%==C Echo General failure on drive Z.
GET L Get volume label Page 49
GET L Get volume label
Syntax: GET L [drive]
Input: optional drive letter
/switches - /M /V /U /L
Output: ErrorLevel - 1=label found, 0=no label found
Environment - Volume Label
L gets the Volume Label of the specified disk. The ErrorLevel is 0 if the
disk is not labelled, or 1 if the disk has a volume label. The optional
argument is the drive letter, defaulting to the current drive. If the
disk is not labelled, the GET variable will be expunged and the Error-
Level will be 0.
Volume labels can be placed on disks when they are formatted by using the
/V switch with the FORMAT command, or later by using the DOS LABEL com-
mand, or other labelling utility. Volume labels can be very useful in
identifying and cataloging diskettes, especially when they can be
checked automatically with a program such as GET. Another use is to
verify that the user has inserted the correct diskette when running an
installation BATch program.
Volume labels can be up to 11 characters. DOS will allow any of the 256
ASCII and extended characters except ."/\[]:*|<>;,?, ASCII 0-31, and the
lower case alphabetic characters. (Actually some LABEL programs allow
lower case and other characters such as the decimal point, but since DOS
converts lower case to caps and will not allow some characters it is
better to stick with caps and standard DOS labels.) Even the space
character is allowable in a Volume label. Therefore, with 184 charac-
ters to choose from, there is an almost endless set of combinations that
you can use. To enter the extended characters above 127 hold down the
Alt key while typing the ASCII code on the number pad keys. (On some
systems it is necessary to hold down both the Alt and the Shift keys
while typing an extended character. You may be able to enter ASCII 127
with the Ctrl-BackSpace key.) The file SCANCODE.DOC with the registered
version contains a table of all the ASCII characters.
It is often convenient to have a space in a volume label, but most ver-
sions of DOS make it difficult to verify such a label with the BATch IF
subcommand. To DOS the space is a delimiter, and the IF comparison will
fail, usually with some message such as "Bad command or file name". To
work around this problem, GET provides a method to compare a string,
which may include one or more spaces, with the volume label of a disk by
using the LE command. The test label is given in the argument and must
be enclosed in double quote characters. The comparison is exact and
case sensitive, so get it right the first time. If the string is less
than 11 characters long, do not include any trailing spaces to fill in
the 11 characters. Only the characters up to the last non-space charac-
ter will be checked and additional spaces will cause the comparison to
fail. If you need to test with the IF subcommand, the /U switch will
force lowercase letters (if any) to uppercase, and will convert spaces
to ASCII 255 characters.
1. The disk in drive B: does not have a volume label.
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
Page 50 Get volume label GET L
The ErrorLevel is: 0
2. The disk in drive A: has the volume label BOB STEPHAN.
The Environment is: BOB STEPHAN
The ErrorLevel is: 1
3. The disk in drive A: is not formatted. The error may be reported as
'C' or one of the read error codes above. Even though there is a value
in the environment, the ErrorLevel of 0 is sufficient to determine that
the disk does not have a volume label.
if not errorlevel 1 goto NoLabel
Echo The label on the disk in drive A: is %GET%
goto exit
if not "%GET%"=="" goto DiskError
Echo There is no volume label on the disk in drive A:
goto exit
Echo Error %GET% reading disk in drive A:
GET LE Match volume label Page 51
GET LE Match volume label
Syntax: GET LE "label" [drive]
Input: "label" for LE to match, optional drive letter
/switches - /M /V /U /L
Output: ErrorLevel - 1 =yes, 0=no
Environment - Volume Label
LE takes a trial label in the "label" argument and sets the ErrorLevel to
indicate whether the disk label matches. The comparison is case sensi-
tive and there must not be any trailing blanks in the "label" argument.
The /U and /L switches affect only what is placed into the Enviroment
string and do not affect the comparison.
1. Compare the volume label on the disk in drive A: with the string "BOB
The Environment is: BOB STEPHAN
The ErrorLevel is: 1
2. Compare the volume label on the disk in drive A: with the string "BOB"
The Environment is: BOB STEPHAN
The ErrorLevel is: 0
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
Page 52 Get file size GET F
GET F Get file size (DIR=0)
Syntax: GET F[E] filespec [/switches]
Input: file specification including path but no wildcards.
/switches /M /V /L /X /W /A
Output: ErrorLevel - F: KiloBytes; FE: KiloBytes/10.
With /A: Bytes (up to 255).
Environment - file size in KiloBytes, Bytes, or Hex bytes
The file specification (filespec) is not in quotes and must not contain
wild card characters, but may contain drive and path information.
F reports file size. The result is reported as kilobytes which allows
sizes up to 261,120 bytes to be reported in the ErrorLevel. For FE the
divisor is 10 so that files up to 2,611,200 bytes can be reported in the
ErrorLevel. The /Wnum switch can be used to specify a divisor other
than 10 for either F or FE in the same manner as for GET K and GET Q.
The size in kilobytes will be divided by the divisor and the result
placed in the ErrorLevel. These divisions affect the ErrorLevel only,
the value in the Environment will not be changed. Values in the En-
vironment can be up to 655,530 kilobytes. If it is possible to have
larger files on your system, the value for larger files will have an
asterisk as the last character indicating that the value is not valid,
but is larger than 655,530 kilobytes (671,262,720 bytes).
If /A is specified, All the bytes in the file size will be reported in the
Environment for files up to 655,350 bytes. If over that size, the value
will have an asterisk as the last character indicating that the size is
not valid, but that it is larger than 655,350 bytes. If the file is 255
bytes or less, the full size will be in the ErrorLevel. The /Wdiv
switch can be used to specify a divisor for larger files so that the
resulting ErrorLevel will be less than 255. The divisor does not affect
the Environment variable.
The /X switch can be used to cause the exact file size to be reported in
the Environment in hexadecimal as was done in versions prior to 2.5.
If the filespec cannot be found, the GET variable will be expunged from
the Environment and a standard DOS error code will be returned in the
ErrorLevel. The error codes of special interest are:
2 for "File not found"
3 for "Path not found"
15 for "Invalid drive"
Directory existence: The F command for GET Filesize can be used to
determine whether a named directory exists. As usual, if the filespec
is a directory, the ErrorLevel will be 0 and the Environment variable
will be '0'.
For example: GET F "d:\mydir\xxx" will return 2 if the path is found but
not the file named XXX, a 3 if the path D:\MYDIR is not found, or a 15
if there is no D: drive. GET F "d:\mydir" will return either 2 or 15
since it is not clear whether MYDIR is supposed to be a file or a path.
Whenever the item specified in the filespec may not exist, always check
for an empty GET variable (IF "%GET%"=="") which indicates that an error
code is in the ErrorLevel.
GET F Get file size Page 53
NOTE: The use of GET F to test for the existence of a directory is valid
only for subdirectories, and not for a root directory. Since DOS does
not recognize the root directory as a file, commands such as GET F \,
GET F c:\, GET F c:, etc. are not valid. Also, although it is a docu-
mented procedure in MS DOS 5.0, do not use the NUL device to check for a
directory if any users might be using DR DOS 5.0. DR DOS 5 thinks that
the NUL (and other) devices exist even in non-existent directories. It
may be that a few other versions of DOS do not support the NUL device
method of checking, but GET will work with them all.
Device Drivers: GET F can be used as a means of communication between your
CONFIG.SYS and your AUTOEXEC.BAT. GET F will take the name of a device
driver that may have been loaded in CONFIG.SYS and check to see if it
has, in fact been loaded. The response will be similar to that for a
DIR; i.e. if the driver is loaded, 0 in the ErrorLevel and "0" in the
Environment. If the driver is not loaded, the Environment variable will
be empty, and the ErrorLevel will contain an error code, usually 2.
CAUTION! The name you use for the driver must be the INTERNAL name, not
necessarily the same name you use in CONFIG.SYS. Most memory mapping
commands and programs will show the internal name that you must use.
This method will not work for ANSI.SYS and its clones because they use
the name CON, but GET A is available to determine whether ANSI.SYS is
loaded. (With all that said, it is only fair to point out that you can
accomplish the same effect with IF EXIST by using the internal name of
the device driver.)
1. Check to see if the device QEMM is loaded. The internal name for QEMM
is QEMM386$. In this example, the driver is loaded.
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
get F QEMM386$
The Environment is: 0
The ErrorLevel is: 0
2. Same example, but QEMM is not loaded.
get F QEMM386$
The ErrorLevel is: 2
3. Check for the existence of a directory named D:\QPRO\WQ1. IN this ex-
ample the directory exists.
The Environment is: 0
The ErrorLevel is: 0
4. Same example, but the directory does not exist. The ErrorLevel is
reported as 2 meaning "File not found" because it cannot be determined
of WQ1 is a file or a subdirectory.
The ErrorLevel is: 2
5. Suppose a file named d:\qpro\wq1\taxes.wq1 is a valid file name. Using
GET F to get the file size could produce any of the following results.
Page 54 Get file size GET F
Rem If you enter an invalid directory:
The ErrorLevel is: 3
Rem If the file does not exist after all:
The ErrorLevel is: 2
Rem If the file is found to have 23,129 bytes:
The Environment is: 23
The ErrorLevel is: 23
The Environment is: 5A59
The ErrorLevel is: 23
Rem Turn off GET reporting feature
7. Suppose you have a file of exactly 166,816 bytes. You could see the
following results.
GET F filespec
The Environment is: 163
The ErrorLevel is: 163
GET F filespec /A
The Environment is: 166816
The ErrorLevel is: 255
GET F filespec /A /W1000
The Environment is: 166816
The ErrorLevel is: 166
GET F filespec /A /W1000 /X
The Environment is: 28BA0
The ErrorLevel is: 166
7. Suppose we have a file we want to copy to drive B:, but we want to
check if there is enough space for it. Note that file size is rounded
up and disk space is truncated by integer arithmetic so the result here
will err on the safe side if at all. Since GET F reports kilobytes in
the ErrorLevel, and GET K reports kilobytes in the Environment, we can
test as follows:
GET F Get file size Page 55
@echo off
Rem First get the disk free space on drive B: and save it in FREE=
get k b /VFREE=
Rem Check for error
if not errorlevel 1 goto error
Rem Now get the size of the file and check if there is enough room.
get f filename.ext
Rem Check for error
if "%GET%"=="" goto error
Rem If the ErrorLevel is not greater than the free kilobytes goto sizeok.
if not errorlevel %FREE% goto sizeok
Echo There is insufficient space on Drive B: for filename.ext.
goto exit
copy filename.exe b:
goto exit
Echo An error has occurred
Rem Clear out the FREE variable
Page 56 Current Directory GET Y
GET Y Get current directory
Syntax: GET Y[E] [drive for Y] [/switches]
Input: optional drive letter for Y, none for YE
/switches /M /V /L
Output: ErrorLevel - Y: directory level, root=0; YE: current drive, A=0.
Environment - directory path (Y) or drive letter (YE).
Y gets the current directory for the default or a specified drive. It
takes an optional drive letter argument (the : is not necessary) which
defaults to the current drive if omitted. The ErrorLevel reports the
directory level - 0 = root directory, 1 for first subdirectory level,
etc. Note that DOS maintains a "current directory" for each drive, not
just for the logged drive, so it makes sense to inquire about the cur-
rent directory on a drive other than the logged drive.
YE returns the current (or logged) drive. The drive letter is in the En-
vironment, and the drive number in the ErrorLevel - 0=A, 1=B, etc.
1. Suppose the following conditions exist - logged drive is C:, current
directory on C: is C:\DOS, current directory on D: is D:\QPRO\WQ1, there
is no E: drive, a floppy disk with no subdirectories is in B:. GET com-
mands will report as follows:
Rem Turn on GET reporting feature
The Environment is: \DOS
The ErrorLevel is: 1
The Environment is: \QPRO\WQ1
The ErrorLevel is: 2
Rem Get the current drive and directory, and combine them to make
Rem a full path that does not end in a trailing backslash.
The Environment is: C
The ErrorLevel is: 2
The Environment is: \DOS
The ErrorLevel is: 1
if not ErrorLevel 1 set GET=
The Environment is: \
The ErrorLevel is: 0
Note: The root directory is the only case that GET ends the Environment
variable with the \ character. (It is easier to add one than to drop
it off.)
The ErrorLevel is: 0
Turn off GET reporting feature
GET Y Current Directory Page 57
2. You can "and" ErrorLevel checks together to check for a specific value.
In this example, use ErrorLevel to see if the current drive is B:.
Rem if it is at least 1 and not 2 or more,
Rem then it is exactly 1 meaning B:.
if ErrorLevel 1 if not ErrorLevel 2 goto ISB
Echo The current drive is not B:
goto exit
Echo The current drive is B:
Page 58 Get MEMORY and SYSTEM Information GET.DOC
GET MEMORY and SYSTEM Information
The commands BR, P, E, M, D, 4, 7, and A obtain information about the opera-
ting system and hardware configuration.
GET BR Get/Set Break Flag
Syntax: GET BR [New flag] [/switches]
Input: optional new flag - 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - old break flag
Environment - old break flag
GET BR checks and/or sets the DOS BREAK Flag. It works like some of the
other get/set commands such as B and V. GET BR will report 1 if the
BREAK Flag is ON, or 0 if it is OFF. In addition, GET BR 1 will turn it
on, and GET BR 0 will turn it off. Although you can control BREAK with
the DOS BREAK command, GET BR allows you to store the user setting and
temporarily change it to suit your programming style. Of course, if you
allow the user to BREAK out of your BATch file with DOS Ctrl-Break hand-
ling, you will not have the opportunity to reset it, but if you want to
handle BREAK yourself and use /C regularly, then you can get, set, and
restore the user BREAK Flag with GET BR.
GET BR also gives you another method of communicating information from
your CONFIG.SYS to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. You can set BREAK ON or OFF in
CONFIG.SYS according to whatever you want it to mean, and use GET BR to
check and optionally reset it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, then take some ac-
tion according to whether it was ON or OFF.
1. Save user Break flag setting so you can turn it off to help you do your
own Ctrl-Break management with the /C switch. When finished, restore
user's original flag setting.
Rem set BREAK OFF and save old setting in variable BREAK=.
Rem Now do whatever you want in the BATch file, such as:
GET S "Enter your password: " /c
Rem When finished, restore saved Break flag setting.
Rem Don't forget to clear out the variable!
2. Suppose in one CONFIG.SYS file you have BREAK=ON to indicate that you
are configuring for your CAD program, and in another CONFIG.SYS file you
have BREAK=OFF if you want to run your normal configuration. In your
AUTOEXEC.BAT you can test the Break flag, set it to the setting you
want, and take appropriate action, thus using just one AUTOEXEC for both
Rem Get break flag setting and turn it off.
if "%GET%"=="1" goto RUNCAD
Rem Do your something else here.
goto EXIT
Rem Run your CAD program here.
GET P Check for Printer(PRN) Page 59
GET P Check for printer(PRN)
Syntax: GET P[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - 1=yes, 0=no
Environment - 1=yes, 0=no
P checks whether a printer is available and ready at LPT1 (PRN). 1=yes,
PE will also send the DOS BIOS initialization signal to the printer as it
does during boot-up. This may not work if a print buffer or spooler is
in use unless it can be bypassed. If your printer has an internal buff-
er this is a way to flush it. If PE reports no printer, then the print-
screen operation (the Print Screen or Shift PrtSc key) will be disabled
to prevent hanging the computer if the PrtSc key is inadvertently
pressed. To enable print-screen again, run GET PE with a printer at-
tached and ready.
1. Check to see if a printer is available.
if ErrorLevel 1 goto PRINTIT
Echo Can't print, no printer available.
goto EXIT
copy filename.ext prn
2. Initialize printer, clearing the buffer and setting the page setting to
Top of Form (TOF). If no printer is available, the Print Screen func-
tion will be turned off.
if ErrorLevel 1 goto PRINTIT
Echo Can't print, no printer available.
Echo The print screen function has been disabled.
goto EXIT
Echo The printer has been initialized, internal buffer cleared.
Page 60 Get Environment Left GET E
GET E Get Environment Left
Syntax: GET E[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - number of Environment bytes free, EE divides by 10.
Environment - number of Environment bytes free
E reports the number of bytes of Environment space available. If it might
be over 255 use EE which divides the number of bytes by 10 for the Er-
rorLevel only, and can report up to 2550 bytes. Since GET makes ex-
tensive use of the Environment, it is always a good idea to use GET E at
the beginning of the BATch file to determine whether there are enough
bytes available for the use of GET in the BATch file.
1. Suppose GET will require at least 15 bytes of Environment space for the
variables it will create in your BATch file. Remember to include the
space required by the variable name, the = sign, and a terminating zero
byte that is automatically added internally.
if ErrorLevel 15 goto CONTINUE
Echo Not enough free Environment space to run this BATch file.
goto EXIT
Rem Continue with the BATch file
2. A more primitive method of checking for environment space is to attempt
to create a variable then see if it is there. This may result in the
user seeing an "Out of environment space" message.
Rem Try to create a variable that will use 16 bytes of space.
SET TEST=1234567890
if "%TEST%"=="1234567890" goto CONTINUE
Echo Not enough free Environment space to run this BATch file.
goto EXIT
Rem Don't forget to clear out your test variable
Rem Continue with the BATch file.
GET M Get Memory Free Page 61
GET M Get Memory Free
Syntax: GET M[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - number of kilobytes free, ME divides by 10.
Environment - number of kilobytes free
M reports the free memory available in kilobytes. ME divides by 10.
1. A BATch file can check if there is sufficient memory to run a pro-
if errorlevel 150 goto CONTINUE
Echo Not enough memory to run your program.
goto EXIT
Rem Run your program here.
2. Suppose your program requires 300kb of memory.
if errorlevel 30 goto CONTINUE
Echo Not enough memory to run your program.
goto EXIT
Rem Run your program here.
Page 62 Get DOS Version GET D
GET D Get DOS Version
Syntax: GET D[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - First two digits of DOS Version times 10.
Environment - Major Version, DE gives Minor Version.
D reports the DOS version. The ErrorLevel will contain a number such as
33 for DOS 3.3 and 3.31, or 50 for DOS 5.0. The Environment will con-
tain the major version such as 3 for DOS 3.0, 3.1, 3.3, or 3.3. DE will
report the minor version in the Environment such as 1 for DOS 3.1 or 0
for DOS 5.0.
1. You're setting up a program for your clients and it requires something
different depending on whether the DOS Version is later than or earlier
than 3.1.
if ErrorLevel 31 goto DOS3
Rem Do what you need here for DOS 2.x or 3.0.
goto EXIT
Rem Do what you need here for DOS 3.1 and later.
2. You are distributing a program that requires DOS 3.3 or later.
if ErrorLevel 33 goto DOSOK
Echo This program requires DOS 3.3 or later.
goto EXIT
Rem Run your program here.
GET 7 Check Coprocessor Page 63
GET 7 Check Coprocessor/CPU
Syntax: GET 7[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - 7: Math Coprocessor Installed - 7E: type of CPU.
Environment - Character representation of ErrorLevel number.
7 reports whether a math coprocessor is installed. 1=yes, 0=no.
7E reports the CPU chip type - 0 for 8088/86, 2 for 80286, or 3 for 80386
or later.
1. Run a faster version of a mathematical program if a coprocessor is in-
if ErrorLevel 1 goto NDP
Rem Run the slower version here
goto EXIT
Rem Run the faster version here
2. Run the 386 version of a program if the CPU is an 80386 or later.
if ErrorLevel 3 goto IS386
Rem Run the non-386 version here
goto EXIT
Rem Run the 386 version here
Page 64 Check 4DOS/Windows GET 4
GET 4 Check 4DOS/Windows
Syntax: GET 4[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - 4: 4DOS - 7E: Windows.
Environment - Character representation of ErrorLevel number.
4 Checks whether 4DOS or [4E] Windows is currently running. 1=yes, 0=no.
Some DOS commands, such as CHKDSK, must not be run if Windows is run-
ning. You can use this command to avoid these problems.
4DOS provides a method to make this check directly with BATch commands.
It may be a convenience to use GET to get and store the information in
the same command. 4DOS provides a lot of services for BATch files, and
some DOS-like commands have extra features, but if the BATch file might
be run on a system that is not using 4DOS for the command processor
those extra features can't be used.
1. If 4DOS is the command processor, use some of its special features. If
not, make do the best you can with COMMAND.COM and GET.
Rem Find out if 4DOS is running and store the information.
if "%4DOS%"=="0" goto to MSDOS
Rem Run your 4DOS enhanced commands here.
goto EXIT
Rem Do the best you can with MS DOS and GET here.
Rem Clear out the 4DOS variable
2. Make a cover for CHKDSK to avoid damaging your disk if Windows is run-
ning. Since CHKDSK is an external command, you can rename it to some-
thing else to avoid running it inadvertently. Suppose we rename it
CHEKDISK.EXE and call this BATch file CHKDSK.BAT.
@Echo off
Rem This file is CHKDSK.BAT, a cover for DOS CHKDSK.
get 4E
if ErrorLevel 1 goto WINDOWS
CHEKDISK %1 %2 %3
goto EXIT
Echo Don't run CHKDSK when WINDOWS is running!
GET A Check for ANSI.SYS/Model Page 65
GET A Check for ANSI.SYS/Model
Syntax: GET A[E] [/switches]
Input: none
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - A: ANSI.SYS - AE: ROM BIOS Model Byte
Environment - A: 1=yes, 0=no - AE: Hexadecimal Model Byte
A reports whether ANSI.SYS is loaded. If you are using an ANSI.SYS
clone, check to see if it works with yours.
AE will return the ROM BIOS model byte. At this time the documented model
bytes listed in "The NEW Peter Norton's Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC
and PS/2," (Page 64) are:
FE(254)=PC or PC/XT(1982)
FC(252)=PC/AT(1984-85),PC/XT Model 286(1986),PS/2 Model 50/60(1987)
FA(250)=PS/2 Model 25(1987)/30(1986)
F9(249)=PC Convertible
F8(248)=PS/2 Model 80(1987)
(Example: My 80386 AT clone is an FC).
1. If the computer is running ANSI.SYS you can use it to provide special
screen effects. For example, 4DOS has commands that take advantage of
the features of ANSI.SYS that won't work if ANSI.SYS isn't loaded.
Rem Check for ANSI.SYS and store the result in ANSI=
2. If you are supporting several computers and they are different models,
you may be able to determine which one is running the BATch file by
reading the model byte.
if "%GET%"=="FC" goto ATCLONE
if "%GET%"=="F9" goto CONVERT
if "%GET%"=="FD" goto PCJR
Rem Do things for other computers here
goto EXIT
Rem Do things for AT Clone here
goto EXIT
Rem Do things for IBM Convertible here
goto EXIT
Rem Do things for the PC Jr. here
Page 66 Warm/Cold Boot GET W
GET W Warm/Cold Boot
Syntax: GET W[E] [arg] [/switches]
Input: any argument to just report type of last boot.
/switches /M /V
Output: ErrorLevel - If arg, 1=warm, 0=cold
Environment - If arg, 1=warm, 0=cold
W will reboot the computer as if the 3-finger salute (Ctrl-Alt-Del) was
pressed unless an arg is given.
WE will reboot as if the computer was turned off then on again unless an
argument is given.
If any characters are present as an argument with W or WE, GET will at-
tempt to determine if the preceding boot was warm or cold instead of
rebooting. This does not work on all machines. It depends on whether
the booting procedure clears a certain memory location - it worked on my
XT but not on my 386, for example. If successful, a 1 indicates the
previous boot was warm, 0 means it was a cold boot.
1. Copy in a new AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS and warm boot.
copy autoexec.new autoexec.bat
copy config.new config.sys
get w
2. Ask for a password, if it is wrong cold boot the computer.
get S "Enter password now: " TTTTTTTT
if "%GET%"=="PASSWORD" goto OK
get we
Rem Password was correct, continue.
3. Perform a CHKDSK if a cold boot but not a warm boot - may only work on
XT class machines.
GET W xxx
if ErrorLevel 1 CHKDSK
GET.DOC The Environment and Shells Page 67
Environment and Shells
This is a brief, general discussion of the DOS Environment for those who may
not be sufficiently familiar with it. For a more extensive discussion of
the Environment, see Appendix A in the printed documentation provided with
the registered version.
The DOS Environment is a small area (usually) of memory that DOS automat-
ically allocates to every program that it is asked to load or run. The
"master" Environment is the original Environment allocated to COMMAND.COM
or 4DOS or whichever command processor you are using. The original size
of the Environment can be set in later versions of DOS by using the SHELL
command in your CONFIG.SYS file. However, the setting of Environment size
is not a SHELL command function, but is a command processor option. For
example, the COMMAND.COM /E: switch lets you set the size if you are using
COMMAND.COM as your command processor. For documentation look under such
topics as SHELL, COMMAND, and "Configuring Your System" in your DOS
manual. Since most new programs make extensive use of the Environment, it
is important to be sure enough Environment space is allocated to accom-
modate them all. If you see the error message "Out of Environment Space",
you know that you do not have enough allocated.
You can view the contents of the Environment by issuing the SET command
of DOS with no arguments at the DOS prompt. You will see a sequence of
variable names, each followed by the "=" sign and the string value as-
signed to the variable. For example, COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM. You can
also store string information in the Environment with the SET command by
specifying it in the same manner as it is displayed. For example, SET
PATH=C:\;C:\DOS. Do not place any spaces on either side of the "=" sign
unless you intend for the space to be either a part of the variable name
or a part of the string. When DOS loads and runs a COM or EXE program
file, that program receives a copy of the Environment as it is at that
time, trimmed down so that only a few bytes remain free. This copy does
not change unless the program that owns it changes it.
Note that some DOS "shells" shield the master Environment from programs
that are executed by the shell. If you find that to be the case, the in-
formation will usually be available to the BATch file from the Environment
of the secondary command processor loaded by the shell as is usually
necessary to run a BATch file. Except for the /M switch, GET only at-
tempts to locate the Environment of the command processor that is running
the BATch file, so the Environment information can disappear if the shell
or the secondary command processor is terminated. GET attempts to place
the information where the BATch file can locate it since that is its pri-
mary purpose. Also, when running from a shell there may be problems with
"Out of Environment space" since DOS does not usually allocate excess En-
vironment space to child processes. 4DOS provides a means to ensure that
copies of the Environment have sufficient space available. Check the doc-
umentation for your shell program to see if it can make sufficient En-
vironment space available. You can always ensure that GET has enough En-
vironment space to store its results by establishing a dummy GET variable
before loading any shells or other programs. The best way would be to do
it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Simply insert the command SET GET=xxxxx...xxxx
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file with enough x's or other characters for the max-
imum length input string you are expecting.
Page 68 Program Information GET.DOC
GET is programmed in assembly language for MS-DOS computers. It was as-
sembled with Borland's Turbo Assembler, and compressed with a file com-
pression utility. GET is designed to be small and fast to provide rapid
response in BATch files and not take up too much room on floppy disks,
consequently it does not do extensive error checking. Nothing in GET is
known to cause harm, but if parameters are not used in accordance with the
documentation the results may not be what you expect. GET is designed for
productive use by BATch programmers, not for casual use from the keyboard.
In most applications there will be no noticeable slowing down of BATch
file execution due to the use of GET. Most versions of DOS read and ex-
ecute lines of BATch files one at a time. This is the slowest part of the
BATch execution process. Providing there are sufficient DOS buffers or a
disk cache, GET will remain available in the buffers or cache in memory
and execute instantaneously when loaded by DOS. Some additional speedup
may be noticed if it is possible to locate GET.EXE and/or your BATch file
on a virtual disk in RAM such as on a RAMDRIVE or VDISK.
Some of the code for GET was adapted from the sample program named
WHAT.ASM included with Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM). The MASM docu-
mentation declares that the sample programs are in the public domain. For
examples of GET, look at the BATch files on the MASDIR disk mentioned be-
low for the use of a similar program called SDL_GET. You can do a lot in
BATch programming with this utility.
Although this version of GET remains free for personal use for all to en-
joy, if you like GET and would like to help support development of in-
expensive software, please send a contribution to the address below.
Thank you for any support you care to provide. If you send $15 or more
(overseas $20 U.S. funds) you will receive the following benefits:
The latest version of GET with any new features plus one free upgrade.
A smaller runtime version to distribute with your BATch files.
A single user license with no royalties for use of the runtime version.
A >60 page user manual giving examples and more detailed explanations.
Free support by BBS, mail, phone, CompuServe, or Genie (see below).
Notification of new releases and upgrades after the first one.
California residents please add 7.75% sales tax. See the SPECIAL OFFER
below for a discount on registering both GET and MASDIR.
If you have a modem, VISA and MASTERCARD registrations can be entered via
NITELOG BBS, 408-655-1096. After completing the brief sign-on registra-
tion, enter S for Script, then 3 for Script 3 and provide the requested
If you like and use GET but can't send money, at least drop me a note and
I'll put you on my list to receive new "freeware" releases as they become
available. Your help in distributing new releases of GET will be ap-
CORPORATE users must obtain a site license from me for in-house use. If
GET is to be installed on 2 machines $25, 3 machines $35, plus $5 for each
additional machine. None of the above licensing terms includes using GET
in conjunction with the distribution of a commercial (retail) software
product other than shareware, user-supported, or public domain software.
GET.DOC Program Information Page 69
To use GET in conjunction with the distribution of a retail software pro-
duct you must contact me to discuss terms. Licenses are available for up
to 50 copies for $100, up to 500 copies for $200, unlimited copies for
$500. Call or message me for quotes if you are interested.
BBS SYSOPs, PC User Groups, and shareware authors and distributors are
hereby granted a single user license to use GET for their own purposes and
to freely distribute unmodified copies of this version of GET.EXE and the
associated files in GET25.ZIP. If an unregistered version of GET is used
in conjunction with the distribution of a shareware or public domain soft-
ware product, the distribution disk must include GET25.ZIP.
VENDORS who have my permission to distribute my shareware product MASDIR,
also have my permission to distribute GET. Other vendors must contact me
for permission by sending me a request accompanied with a current catalog
or other list of offerings.
REGISTERED users of GET may use and distribute GET in accordance with
these rules. GETRUN.EXE is a runtime version of GET available only to
registered users. It omits the online help screens and the debugging in-
formation so is considerably smaller - under 4k compressed file size - and
runs in less than 9k of memory. GET is not a TSR so the memory is in use
only while GET is actually running.
1. GET.EXE may be freely distributed provided the distribution disk in-
cludes all *.DOC and other GET distribution files. Such distribution must
not include GETRUN.EXE under any name.
2. If you are a licensed user of GETRUN.EXE, up to the licensed number of
copies of GETRUN.EXE may be renamed GET.EXE and used in conjunction with
distributed BATch files, provided that neither GET.DOC nor GET25NEW.DOC
are included on any disk in the distribution package. For non-commercial
use, licensed users may use an unlimited number of copies.
3. GET.EXE must never be included in any distribution that includes
GETRUN.EXE no matter what names are used for these files.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact me at:
MOBY DISK: 1021 San Carlos Road, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Phone: (408) 646-1899/1373. GENIE:MOBYDISK. COMPUSERVE:72357,2276
BBS: The Cricket 408-373-3773 /s/ Bob Stephan November 29, 1991
Now for the commercial
If you like GET please try MASDIR! MASDIR (pronounced 'master') the
MASter DIRectory System, is a general purpose sorted directory program
with unique customization and disk label printing features. If you ever
use DIR, you should do yourself a favor and take a look at MASDIR. MASDIR
is not a "shell"! The main program, SDL.COM, is one of the best sorted
directory programs anywhere. The setup program allows you to set the many
defaults to your own specifications, including customizing the titles that
appear in the header. In addition, you can print disk labels and/or sleeve
inserts for 5.25" and 3.5" diskettes. This really saves you a lot of time
when you are looking through your collection of diskettes for a particular
file. They are all listed conveniently along with your own description in
the title lines. You can also create disk file catalogs of your diskettes
and directories that you can then annotate to describe individual files,
and search with your editor or listing program.
Page 70 MASDIR, The MASter DIRectory System GET.DOC
Additional features include listing only subdirectories or not listing
them at all, listing only files created today or within a specified peri-
od, reverse sorting for any of the sort options, the amount of space a
group of files will occupy for different cluster sizes, support for DR DOS
and 4DOS, SETting defaults in the Environment, enter two file specifica-
tions such as *.COM *.EXE, paging up and down in large directories, show
only files that have not been backed up (archive bit set), and many more.
As of the above date, the current release of MASDIR is Version 5.4. It is
a shareware program that is available on bulletin boards, GENIE, Com-
puServe, The Public (software) Library, PC-SIG, and from other distrib-
utors of public domain and shareware programs. If you cannot conveniently
locate a copy, I will be happy to send you one. Just contact me as indi-
cated above. The registration fee for MASDIR is $19 including shipping and
handling for the program, plus one unit of labels free. Please include $2
S&H only if you order any amount of labels.
SPECIAL OFFER. Register both GET and MASDIR and take a 15% discount. Use
the MASDIR order form and indicate that you want both MASDIR 5.4 and GET
2.5 for just $29, instead of MASDIR by itself for $19. Then complete the
rest of the form for any other items you want.
If you have a modem, VISA or MASTERCARD registrations can be entered via
NITELOG BBS, 408-655-1096. After completing the brief sign-on registra-
tion, enter S for Script, then 3 for Script 3.
Thank you for your kind attention. /Bob/ November 29, 1991
Appendix A
The DOS Environment
Available in the manual for the registered version
Appendix B
ASCII and Scan Codes
Available in the manual for the registered version